Release 2302.2
Scheduled on Monday, 03/21/2023
Release 2302.2 includes the following feature enhancements and bug fixes.
Feature Enhancements
Nue Lifecycle Manager
Provide options to calculate added quantities for mid-term subscription changes
- We provide new options to calculate added quantities for mid-term subscription changes. To enable the options, navigate to System Settings > Subscriptions > Calculate added quantities in a change quote or order
- For example, if a user subscribes to a service with monthly price $100, with 10 users for a year. The company gave a 10% one-time discount. So the total amount of the subscription is $10,800. If the user adds another 10 users on the 7th month mid-term:
- Not considering the booked price of the existing subscription: The total price of added 10 units in the last 6 months is $6000.
- Considering the booked price of the existing subscription: The total price of 20 units in the last 6 months is $12, 000. The user has already booked $10,800 * (6 / 12) = $5,400. Thus the total price would be $6,600 ($12,000 - $5,400).
Bug Fixes
Nue Lifecycle Manager
Lookup Search plugin is no longer working with a Line Bucket field