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Refresh the Salesforce Sandbox

Refresh the Salesforce Sandbox 

Refreshing a Salesforce Sandbox is an essential practice for keeping development, testing, and staging environments up to date with the latest data and configurations from your production org. 


There are two key aspects to consider when refreshing a Salesforce Sandbox:


  • Reconnect Salesforce Sandbox to the Nue Sandbox Tenant
  • Validate that the products are completely updated (in the case of a partial refresh)

Reconnect Nue Tenant

When you refresh a Salesforce Sandbox, you will need to reconnect to your existing 

Nue Sandbox tenant. The following steps will walk you through reconnecting the Nue tenant.


Step 1: Update Named Credentials in Salesforce

  • In Salesforce, go to “Setup”
  • Search for “Named Credentials”
  • Select “Nue Platform”
  • Re-enter Username and Password of your Nue sandbox tenant

Step 2: Generate apiAccessKey of your Nue sandbox tenant

  • Make an Authorization call via API to get the apiAccessKey of your Nue sandbox tenant (Please note if you use the same credentials for multiple tenants, make sure that you grab the correct key for your sandbox)

Step 3: Re-enter the correct apiAccessKey into Salesforce

  • In Salesforce, go to “Setup”
  • Search for “Custom Settings”
  • Select “Manage” option of “Nue System Setting”
  • Select “Edit” option of “Nue_API_Access_Key”
  • Enter the apiAccessKey into “Value” field (ie., replacing the existing key with the key you got in Step 2)

Step 4: Verify the Result

  • Log into the Nue app 
  • Go to “System Settings” –> “Salesforce Integration”

If the connection is successfully re-established, there should be no error.


If there is an error popping up, please wait for about 10 minutes and go back to “Salesforce Integration” page and check again. If the error persists, please reach out to Nue Support Team for further assistance.


Refresh Products in Sandbox

If this is a full refresh (e.g., UAT), there is no additional action needed.


For a partial refresh (e.g., DEV), Salesforce copies only Products, Price Books, and Price Book Entries. Many other product related objects (e.g., UOM, Product Groups, Price Tags, etc.) are not copied as parts of the refresh. As a result, the products will not work with Nue. In this scenario, please reach out to the Nue Support Team for additional assistance.