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Release 2409.2 - 11/26/2024

Release 2409.2

Scheduled on Tuesday, 11/26/2024



  • This release introduces significant enhancements to the Price Builder, including the ability to apply Percent of Total to base products with flexible term options and automatic ramp line generation based on the ramp pricing of target products in a Percent of Total product relationship. This release also includes additional features such as credit generation for evergreen credit burndown subscriptions, propagation of purchase order details to invoices and credit memos, and several bug fixes.


Feature Enhancements

Price Builder

Ability to apply percent of total to base products with applicable terms

  • In this release we introduced a feature that allows users to apply a Percent of Total to base products with applicable terms.
    • Specify Applicable Terms: Users can specify the applicable term for the Percent of Total product relationship. The available options include:
      • Entire Term: The price of the base product is calculated and applied for the entire term of the subscription. It will be recalculated and adjusted when the target products renew.
      • Initial Term: The price of the base product is calculated based on the initial term of the target product. It will not be adjusted when the target products renew.
      • Specific Term: The price of the base product is calculated based on a specific initial term of the target product. The specific term number is specified in the “Specific Term” field.
    • Adjust Price for Non-term Changes: Users can indicate if the price of the base product should be recalculated and adjusted when any non-term changes are applied to the target products, such as Update Quantity and Adjust Price. The default value is true.
  • This feature provides greater flexibility and accuracy in pricing models, particularly for license-based bundles.

Ability to automatically generate ramp lines for a base product according to the ramp pricing of the target product(s) in a percent of total product relationship

  • This feature enhances the flexibility of applying discount tags or discounts to products that are a percentage of the total of another product. Sales representatives can now see that a base product will automatically apply ramping when its target product(s) are applied with ramp price tags.
  • Key capabilities
    • Generate ramp lines automatically: When a target product has ramp line items, the base product will now automatically apply the same ramp schedule. This ensures that both products reflect the correct pricing over the term.
    • Support for Multi-Year Deals: The feature supports multi-year deals with varying discount rates for each year. For example, a product with a 3-year term can have different discount rates for each year, and these will be correctly applied to both the base and target products.
  • This feature is particularly beneficial for customers who use Percent of Total and Ramp Pricing. It not only improves the accuracy of pricing but also provides a better user experience for sales representatives managing complex deals.

Everything Billing

Credit generation for evergreen credit burndown subscriptions

  • Users can now view credits generated by evergreen credit burndown-type subscriptions, along with the following key capabilities
    • Credit Generation
      • Automatic credit generation before each term starts for evergreen subscriptions
      • Retroactive credit generation for subscriptions with start dates prior to activation
      • Credits are managed through a dedicated timer system
    • Quantity Updates - Credits are adjusted when subscription quantities change, with the following rules:
      • Quantity Increases:
        • For past dates: Credits generated immediately from the change date
        • For future dates: Credits scheduled for generation at term start
      • Quantity Decreases:
        • Existing credits: Updated immediately from the change date
        • Future credits: Adjusted at term start
    • Term Updates - When converting from evergreen to termed subscription:
      • Automatic credit generation up to the Evergreen End Date
      • New credit generation schedule established for termed subscription periods
      • Full credit history maintained through conversion
    • Subscription Cancellation
      • Credits automatically canceled after the Cancellation Date
      • Prorated credit adjustments when Credit Proration is enabled
  • This feature provides improved visibility into credit allocation and management throughout the subscription lifecycle.

Propagate PO Number and PO Date to Invoices and Credit Memos

  • This feature enhances the invoicing process by ensuring that the purchase order date (poDate) and purchase order number (poNumber) associated with an order are propagated to all invoices and credit memos created by that order.
  • Key capabilities are
    • Propagation of poDate and poNumber: The poDate and poNumber fields from an order are now automatically included in all related invoices and credit memos. This ensures consistency and ease of reference across all billing documents.
    • Historical PO Numbers: Invoices generated from the activation of an order will contain all historical PO numbers associated with the asset. This includes PO numbers from the original purchase and any subsequent change orders.
    • Enhanced API Capabilities: The self-service API has been updated to support the inclusion of poDate and poNumber in the order creation payload. This allows developers to pass these fields directly when creating orders via the API.
  • This feature aims to improve the traceability and reference management of purchase orders within our billing system.

Nue Platform

Improved Developer Experience with GraphQL Introspection

  • This release enhances GraphQL capabilities by enabling introspection for developers. For security reasons, only System Administrators have the permission to run introspection queries.
  • Admin users can leverage introspection (schema APIs) to gain deeper insights into our GraphQL API, enabling seamless integration and the development of powerful applications.

Bug Fixes

Lifecycle Manager

Issues with Min/Max/Allow Quantity Editing for Add-On Products in Line Editor and Product Configurator

  • Previously, when updating the Min/Max/Allow Quantity Editing of an Add-On product in the line editor and product configurator page, users encountered several issues. Specifically, if the Max Quantity was left empty, there was no upper limit on the quantity. Additionally, when the quantity was below the Min Quantity, an error message was not displayed as expected. These issues have been resolved in this release. Users can now correctly edit the quantity of an add-on product within the specified Min and Max range, with the default value being properly set in both the line editor and product configurator page. When the option to edit the product quantity of the add-on product is disabled, the quantity will not be editable in both the line editor and product configurator page.

Changing Subscription Term in the bundle configurator does not change Quote's Subscription Term

  • Previously, when users added a bundle to a quote and changed the Subscription Term within the bundle configurator, the updated term applied correctly to the quote line items. However, the Subscription Term in the quote header remained unchanged. We have fixed this issue in this release. Changing the Subscription Term in the bundle configurator will now correctly update the Subscription Term in the quote header as well.

Incorrect Update of Quote Start and End Dates on Net Sales Price Change

  • Previously, when users changed the Net Sales Price of a Quote Line Item in a renewal quote, the Subscription Term and Start Date at the Quote Level were incorrectly updated. This issue caused the Quote Start and End Dates to change to the minimum and maximum of the Start and End Dates of all lines, rather than just the changed lines. We have implemented a fix to resolve this issue. The fix ensures that when the Net Sales Price of a Quote Line Item is modified, the Subscription Term and Start Date at the Quote Level remain consistent and accurate.