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Nue on Salesforce Permission Sets

Nue on Salesforce Permission Sets

Salesforce Permission Sets and Permission Set Groups are a powerful and flexible feature that plays a pivotal role in controlling user access and permissions within the Salesforce platform. They are a fundamental part of Salesforce's security model, designed to grant additional permissions and capabilities to users, beyond what is defined by their profile. Permission Sets and Groups are a valuable tool for administrators and developers who need to finely tune access control without altering the core user profiles, making it easier to manage and maintain user permissions in a dynamic and evolving Salesforce environment.  For more information, please refer to this Salesforce document.  


Nue Permission Sets

Often times companies want to configure different permission sets to assign to various roles in the company, for example, Sales Reps, Deal Desk Operators, etc. Nue provides the following permission sets out of the box for different user roles.  We provided the instruction here to create a custom permission set by copying from any of these permission sets.


Nue Basic 

Basic permissions to access Nue on Salesforce

Nue Sales Rep 

View Products

View Price Books

View Price Tags

View Product Groups

Create and Edit Quote

Create and Edit Order

View-only access to Discount, Total Price and Net Sales Price fields

Create Custom Filter

Nue Deal Desk

View Products

View Price Books

View Product Groups

Create and Edit Order

Add Price or Discount Tag

Edit Price or Discount Tag

Delete Price or Discount Tag

Cancel Order

Create Custom Filter

Nue Revenue Ops

Manage Products

Manage Price Books

Manage Price Tags

Manage Product Groups

Manage Quotes

Manage Orders

Add Price or Discount Tag

Edit Price or Discount Tag

Delete Price or Discount Tag

Cancel Order

Cancel Invoice

View Pipeline Dashboard tab

View Booking Dashboard tab

Manage Custom Filter

Nue Finance Ops

View Products

View Price Books

View Price Tags

View Product Groups

Manage Orders

Cancel Order

Cancel Invoice

Delete Invoice

View Booking Dashboard tab

View Billing and Collections Dashboard Tab

Create Custom Filter

Nue System Administration

Manage All Objects

Nue Revenue Lifecycle Intelligence Permission Set

View Booking Dashboard tab

View Billing and Collections Dashboard Tab

View Pipeline Dashboard tab



Starting June 2024, Nue provides a permission set named "Nue Revenue Lifecycle Intelligence Permission Set" to govern the access to the revenue lifecycle dashboards that contain the visibility of 3 out-of-the-box lifecycle dashboards: Pipeline, Booking, Billing & Collections.  For more details please refer to this article


Nue Permission Set Groups

Nue offers the following pre-defined permission set groups. You can assign users with various roles to these permission set groups to provide them with the appropriate access permissions.


PERMISSION SET GROUPNue BasicNue Sales RepNue Deal DeskNue Revenue OpsNue Finance OpsNue System AdministrationNue Revenue Lifecycle Intelligence Permission Set
Nue Sales Representatives     
Nue Deal Desks    
Nue Revenue Operations    
Nue Finance Operations    
Nue System Administrations     


Nue Permissions

Nue provides the following custom permissions assigned to each permission set based on the designated user role:


Add Price or Discount Tags

Allows the user to add a price or discount tag on the line editor of a quote or order.  


If the permission is assigned, the user is able to see 'Add Price Tag', 'Add Discount Tag' link in the 'Price Tags' modal popup in the line editor.  The user may also edit or delete the price tag created by herself.  

Edit Price or Discount Tags

Allows the user to edit a price or discount tag on the line editor of a quote or order.  By editing the price or discount tag, the user essentially creates a copy of that tag, which is only applicable for the particular quote or order.


If the permission is assigned, the user is able to see 'Edit Price Tag', 'Edit Discount Tag' link in the 'Price Tags' modal popup in the line editor.

Delete Price or Discount Tags

Allows the user to delete a price or discount tag on the line editor of a quote or order.  By deleting the price or discount tag, the tag will no longer be applicable to the quote or order.  


If the permission is assigned, the user is able to see 'Delete Price Tag', 'Delete Discount Tag' link in the 'Price Tags' modal popup in the line editor.

Cancel Invoice

Allows the user to cancel a (Draft or Active) invoice in the Lifecycle Manager. 


If the permission is assigned, the user is able to see 'Cancel Invoice' icon in the Action column of the invoice list in the Lifecycle Manager.

Delete Invoice

Allows the user to delete a (Draft or Canceled) invoice in the Lifecycle Manager.  


If the permission is assigned, the user is able to see 'Delete Invoice' icon in the Action column of the invoice list in the Lifecycle Manager.

Cancel Order

Allows the user to cancel an order in the Lifecycle Manager.  Please note that "Allow orders to be canceled" system setting needs to be enabled on the system level. 


If the permission is assigned, the user is able to cancel an order.  Otherwise, when the user attempts to cancel an order, an error occurs.

Create Nue Custom Filter


Allows the user to create new custom filters on any Nue lists.


Users with this permission can edit or delete the custom filters they have created or own.


Edit Nue Custom Filter


Allows the user to edit an existing custom filter on any Nue lists.


Users with this permission can edit all custom filters, including the filters owned by themselves, or owned by others.


Delete Nue Custom Filter


Allows the user to delete an existing custom filter on any Nue lists.  


Users with this permission can delete all custom filters, including the filters owned by themselves, or owned by others.


Custom Permission Sets

Companies can create custom permission sets in addition to the Nue pre-built permission set described in this article, and add them to the permission set groups for different roles.