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Update Order Information

Update Information of Activated Orders


Currently, when activating an order in Salesforce, it will be synced to Nue and billed based on the customer and order's billing settings. Oftentimes, users have a need to update the information of the active orders. For example, a customer changes the billing address and the invoices need to be sent to the new address, or the shipping address is changed and the tax has to be calculated based on the updated address information. This article walks you through how to update specific fields of an active order to Nue automatically.


Add Auto-Updated Fields to Fieldset

For any fields of the active order that need to be updated automatically in Nue, please follow the steps below to add them to the fieldset on the Order object:

  • Login to Salesforce and navigate to Setup -> Object Manager
  • Go to the detail page of the Order object
  • Find the fieldset 'Fields Updated to Nue' under the 'Field Sets' menu and click on the name of the fieldset
  • On the fieldset detail page, drag fields need to be updated in the fieldset
  • Click the Save button



Please note that only fields in the fieldset will be updated in Nue when users change their values. 

  • For custom fields, before adding them to the fieldset, please make sure the fields have been synced to Nue Order already
  • The following Nue standard fields are not allowed to be updated, so users should not add them to the fieldset:
Activated Date
Bill Cycle Day
Billing Period
Total Amount
Total Price
Start Date
End Date
Subscription Term
Account Name
Billing Account