Release 2301.1
Scheduled on Tuesday, 01/24/2023
Release 2301.1 includes the following feature enhancements and bug fixes.
Feature Enhancements
Nue Price Builder
Ability to configure Credit Type and Default Credit Pool for the Credit Burn-down feature
- A System Admin user is able to enable the Credit Burn-down feature to support the Credit Burn-down pricing model. In System Settings > Billing Schedules, a user can set the Credit Type to either Cash or Credit to enable the Credit Burn-down pricing model. By default, it is set to None.
- The user can also select a Default Credit Pool, and configure whether the unused credits can be rolled over, as well as the rollover period. Currently, only one credit pool can be configured.
- For additional inqueries about the Credit Burn-down feature, please contact
Ability to configure credit conversions when the Credit Burn-down feature is enabled
- When the Credit Pool is configured with Credit as the credit type, a user will be able to configure one or more Credit Conversion rules when she creates or updates a product with Overage Usage or Pay As You Go revenue model. Once a Credit Conversion rule is created and associated with such a product, the usage records uploaded for the product will be rated using credits.
Nue Lifecycle Manager
Ability to use 'More...' button to navigate among orders, subscriptions, invoices, etc. in the Lifecycle Manager
- In Account > Manage Customer Lifecycle > Orders, users will see a new 'More...' button on each Order card to perform additional actions, such as View Usage, View Invoice, View Assets, etc.
- In Account > Manage Customer Lifecycle > Subscriptions, users will see a new 'More...' button on each Subscription card to perform additionl actions, such as View Order History, View Invoices, View Assets, View Usage, etc.
Ability to configure to show or hide tabs in the Lifecycle Manager
- A System Admin user can navigate to Nue > System Settings > Customer Lifecycle to configure whether to show or hide particular tabs. For example, if you do not use Invoices, Usage or Credits modules, you can hide these tabs.
Ability to see credit balance, credit inflows and outflows on the Credits tab
- This feature requires the Credit Type to be configured as either Cash or Credit.
- A new tab 'Credits' is introduced in the Lifecycle Manager. In Account > Manage Customer Lifecycle > Credits, a user is able to see the total credit balance as well as all credit inflow and credit outflow records of a selected credit pool. Currently, only one credit pool is supported.
Ability to issue credits when an order containing Credit Burn-down products are activated
- This feature requires the Credit Type to be configured as either Cash or Credit.
- When an order containing one or more products with Credit Burn-down revenue model is activated, or when an opportunity containing such products in its primary quote is Closed Won, credits are issued according to the number of credits purchased in the order. A Credit Inflow is generated for each credit issued. The Credit Balance will be updated. Users can view the Credit Inflows in the Lifecycle Manager.
Ability to hide closed opportunities when creating a change quote or a change order
- When users check out change requests into a quote or order, they can select an existing opportunity to associate the quote or order with. They are only able to select an opportunity that is not in Closed Won or Closed Lost stage.
Ability to publish provisioning events when an order is activated
- When an order is activated, Nue will publish provisioning events that contain the Changed Quantity, Changed Subscription Term, Start Date and End Date and other related event context for each order product in the order.
- Users can listen to these events to fulfil products and provision services.
When a product with Overage Usage and Pay As You Go revenue model is added to a quote or order, its default quantity is set to Zero.
Ability to automatically activate a quote with Line Buckets into one or more orders
- When 'Quote Split' feature is enabled, admin users can further configure the behavior of a primary quote having draft line buckets are finalized, when its associated opportunity is Closed Won.
- Option 2: Finalize the quote into a new order, and copy all draft line buckets into the order. If this option is selected, the quote will be finalized into an order, and its draft line buckets will be copied into the new order.
Ability to use an API to preview a change order
- Developers can use a Self-service API to preview a change order, including its total prices, today's billable charge, next billing date, additional billing charge in the next billing period(s).
Ability to use an API to place a change order, generate invoices, and process payments via Stripe
- Developers can use a Self-service API to place a change order, and have the option to generate first invoices, and process payments via Stripe.
Nue Revenue Manager
Ability to pay invoices using Stripe
- Users can set up Stripe integration with Nue, and process payments of invoices via Stripe.
- When invoices are activated, if Stripe Integration is enabled, the invoices will be transfered to Stripe and available for payments. After the customer pays the invoices, the payment application records will be created in Nue to track the payment statuses, and the invoice balances are updated.
Ability to transfer credit memos and negative invoices to Stripe as credits
- This requires Stripe Integration enabled.
- When negative invoices are activated, or credit memos are activated, they will be transfered to Stripe and created as credits in the corresponding customer accounts in Stripe.
Ability to rate and bill usage records using cash or credits in the Credit Pool
- This requires Credit Type to be enabled as either Cash or Credits.
- When an order product with Credit Burn-down revenue model is activated, Nue will issue credits in the default credit pool. When usage records of an Overage Usage or Pay As You Go revenue model are ingested, these usage records will be rated either in credits or cash, and the amounts of credits or cash will be deducted from the default credit pool. A credit outflow is created for each usage record rated with credits, and the total credit balance will be updated accordingly.
- Users can view the credit outflows and the total credit balance in the Lifecycle Manager > Credits tab.
Nue Analytics
Added new reports in Nue on Salesforce
- 4 new report folders are added in Nue on Salesforce containing best practice reports: New Billing Reports, New Booking ARR Analysis, Nue Customers and Sales, and Nue Renewals.
Bug Fixes
Nue Lifecycle Manager
Unable to view some of the quote templates in the quote template field
- When creating a new quote, if there are more than 7 quote templates, some of the quote templates in the drop-down fields were blocked by the button bar in the bottom of the page. This issue is fixed.
When a usage-based subscription is created, the revenue stream is not shown
- When an order containing any of the following products is activated - Overage Usage, Credit Burn-down, Pay As You Go, the revenue stream was not being generated. This issue is fixed.
When a quote is created from a quote template, there are no product lines available in the Split Lines page
- When a quote is created from a quote template, users can now see the line items in the Split Lines page.