Release 2408.2
Scheduled on Wednesday, 10/23/2024
Feature Enhancements
Lifecycle Manager
Custom discounts for change order ramp items
- Users can now apply custom discretionary discounts to newly added ramp tiers while maintaining the Net Sales Price from the previous subscription term during renewal.
- This enhancement provides greater flexibility in pricing management for change orders.
Nue Platform
Control of price tags for self service access
- A new pair of buttons on the Price Tags modal allows users to easily publish and unpublish price tags for self service access, providing control over their visibility and availability for use in the self-service workflows.
Bug Fixes
Lifecycle Manager
Intermittent timeout issues when saving quotes during customer renewal process
- We have resolved timeout issues by extending the default back-end API timeout from 10 seconds to 60 seconds. This change has eliminated the “Failed to create quote. Read timed out” errors during quote creation in the customer renewal process.
Inherited Billing Address in quote is not treating the line break in the Account address as a space
- In this release we have fixed an issue where line breaks in Account Billing Addresses were not properly converted to spaces when inherited by new Quotes. Line breaks are now correctly converted to spaces during address inheritance.
Unable to see ACV in the price summary
- Previously, sales reps were not able to add the ACV field to the price summary when working with Quotes and Orders. We have resolved this issue in this release.