Nue Billing and Usage Accelerator stands out as a versatile solution capable of seamlessly generating invoices for a diverse range of products. Its strength lies in its ability to handle various billing scenarios, including physical goods, milestone-based services, subscriptions, and consumptions. What sets it apart is the incorporation of a unified object model, streamlining the invoicing process and ensuring consistency across different types of products. This innovative approach not only simplifies billing complexities but also enhances the overall efficiency of invoicing operations, making Nue Billing and Usage Accelerator a comprehensive tool for businesses with diverse product offerings.
This article outlines the object model of Nue Billing & Usage Accelerator.
Object Model Overview - Nue Billing & Usage Accelerator
As illustrated in the following diagram, Nue Billing & Usage Accelerator interfaces with Nue Lifecycle Manger and Price Building via objects including Account, Contact, Product, Order Product, etc.
Order-based Billing
Nue embraces the fundamental concept of order-based billing, considering the order as the primary monetary transaction within the traditional Lead-to-Cash flow. In the sale of physical goods, an order is initiated when a customer places a request, and the initial invoice is issued upon order placement or fulfillment. In cases of subsequent quantity adjustments from the same customer, a change order, essentially another order, is created, containing additional quantities and corresponding invoiced amounts.
In contrast, when dealing with recurring services like subscriptions and consumptions, many billing vendors generate invoices directly from subscriptions, bypassing the order-centric approach. This practice introduces challenges when there are constant changes to subscriptions (e.g., quantity updates, price adjustments, term updates) and that it often requires the deployment of multiple billing engines when the company offers a variety of products and services. Managing a unified invoice with items from various billing engines is not only error-prone, but also makes pricing changes very challenging to manage.
To address these issues, Nue deliberately maintains a separation between orders and subscriptions. Subscriptions are viewed as virtual, recurring customer assets, while orders remain the pivotal monetary transactions used for generating invoices. This intentional separation enhances clarity, minimizes errors, and facilitates smoother adaptation to pricing changes.
Invoice, Invoice Item and Invoice Item Detail
Invoice and Order Relationship
It's crucial to highlight that within Nue, there exists a many-to-many relationship between invoices and orders.
An order having more than one invoices
An order, when it contains recurring order products - which will be provisioned into subscriptions, will resut in the generation of one or more invoices, each corresponding to a specific billing period.
For instance, consider a customer with an order containing a 12-month recurring order product (a.k.a. subscription) at $100 per month, spanning from 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2024. Given the customer's quarterly billing frequency, the order is typically associated with 4 invoices.
In this simple example, each quarterly invoice will have 1 invoice item for the subscription. Each invoice item will have 1 invoice item detail for the recurring product.
In certain situations, an invoice may combine multiple billing periods. For example, if, for any reason, a Q1 invoice is omitted for the customer, the subsequent Q2 invoice will consolidate all the invoice items from Q1 as well. So the Q2 invoice will have 2 invoice items for the same subscription, one for each quarterly billing period. Each invoice item will contain one invoice item detail.
An invoice associated with one or more orders
An invoice may also be associated with more than one orders. Consider the following examples:
EXAMPLE #1: A customer places 2 orders. The first order contains an order product provisioned into a subscription at $100 per month, spanning from 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2024, while the second order contains an one-time order product provisioned into a service entitlement of $500, with the service date on 01/01/2024. The customer is billed monthly. So the first invoice with Invoice Date on 01/01/2024 will contain a total billable amount of $600, from both orders.
In this scenario, the first invoice comprises two invoice items. One contains the monthly fee for the subscription, while the other includes the one-time charge associated with the entitlement. Each invoice item is associated with a single invoice item detail, aligning with the billable amount of each respective order product.
EXAMPLE #2: A customer places an order that contains a subscription at $100 per month, spanning from 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2024. A month later, the customer wants to add 10 licenses of the subscription, so they place a second order that contains an additional $50 per month, spanning from 02/01/2024 to 12/31/2024. The customer is billed monthly. So the invoice generated on the 2nd month with Invoice Date on 02/01/2024 will contain a total billable amount of $150, from both orders.
In this scenario, the invoice contains a single invoice item, representing the total monthly charge of the subscription. Within this invoice item, there are two invoice item details, each corresponding to the billable amount of two separate order products - one from each order.
Objects in Billing and Usage Accelerator are originated in Nue, and synchronized to Salesforce. Objects and fields that do not have a Salesforce API Name do not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce.
The Salesforce API Name is prefixed with namespace `Ruby__`. |
Nue Billing Accelerator Objects
Represents a customer invoice, encapsulating charges for products or services within specific billable periods.
API NAME | Invoice |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__Invoice__c |
Accounting Status | accountingStatus | AccountingStatus__c | Indicates whether or not the invoice was transferred to an external accounting system, such as NetSuite. Available values are: Not Started (Default) Complete Error Skipped | Text | |
Activated By | activatedById | The user who activates the invoice | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Activated Time | activatedTime | The time when the invoice gets activated | Date Time | ||
Amount | amount | Amount__c | The sum of all invoice items' amount (including product and service charges as well as taxes) in this invoice. | Currency | |
Amount Without Tax | amountWithoutTax | AmountWithoutTax__c | The sum of all invoice items' amount, with tax excluded. | Currency | |
Applied By Id | appliedById | AppliedByExternalId__c | The id of the invoice or debit memo this negative invoice is refunded for. This field is only available for the negative invoice generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. | Text | |
Applied By Object | appliedByObject | The name of the object this negative invoice is refunded for. This field is only available for the negative invoice generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. Available values include: Invoice Debit Memo | PickList | ||
Balance | balance | Balance__c | The remaining balance of the invoice after all payments, adjustments, and refunds are applied. | Currency | |
Bill To Contact | billToContactId | BillToContactId__c | Bill To Contact Id | Lookup (Contact) | |
Comments | comments | Comment__c | The comments users added when activating or cancelling the invoice | Long Text (32768) | |
Created By | createdById | PostedById__c | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | PostedTime__c | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Customer | customerId | AccountId__c | The billing account id | Lookup (Customer) | |
Due Date | dueDate | DueDate__c | Invoice Due Date | Date | |
End Date | endDate | EndDate__c | This date is used to determine the End Date of the billable period, where charges to be billed. All charges that are to be billed on this date or prior will be included in this bill schedule. | Date | |
External Invoice Id | externalInvoiceId | ExternalInvoiceId__c | The id of the invoice record in the payment system | Text | |
Id | id | ExternalId__c | The id of the record | ID | |
Invoice Date | invoiceDate | InvoiceDate__c | Invoice Date | Date | |
Invoice Number | name | Name | The Invoice Number that will be displayed in an invoice presentable to the end user. | Text | |
Invoice Pdf | invoicePdf | The URL of the invoice PDF file | Text | ||
Is Catch Up | isCatchUp | Indicate whether the invoice is a catch-up invoice | Boolean | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Payment Details | paymentDetails | PaymentDetails__c | The detailed payment information, for example, payment errors, etc. | Text | |
Payment Hosted Url | paymentHostedUrl | PaymentHostedUrl__c | The payment hosted URL generated from the payment system | Url | |
Payment Status | paymentStatus | PaymentStatus__c | The invoice status. Available values include: Draft Active Canceled | PickList | |
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Shipping And Handling | shippingAndHandling | ShippingAndHandling__c | Currency | ||
Start Date | startDate | StartDate__c | This date is used to determine the Start Date of the billable period, where charges are to be billed. | Date | |
Status | status | Status__c | The invoice status. Available values include: Draft Active Canceled | PickList | |
Target Date | targetDate | TargetDate__c | The target date of the billing schedule which generates the invoice | Date | |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | TaxAmount__c | The sum of all invoice items' tax amount. | Currency | |
Tax Status | taxStatus | TaxStatus__c | The tax computation status. Available values include: Not Calculated Calculated Error | Text |
Invoice Item
Represents a line item in the invoice that contains the charge of a particular product or service a customer consumed in specific billing period.
API NAME | (This object only resides in Salesforce) |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__InvoiceLine__c |
Account Id | accountId | AccountId__c | The billing account id | Lookup (Customer) | |
Applied By Item Id | appliedByItemId | The id of the invoice item or debit memo item this invoice item is refunded for. This field is only available for the negative invoice generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. | Text | ||
Applied By Object | appliedByObject | The name of the object this invoice item is refunded for. This field is only available for the negative invoice generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. Available values include: Invoice Item Debit Memo Item | PickList | ||
Applied Credits | appliedCredits | AppliedCredits__c | The amount of the applied credits in this billing period for the associated usage product that consumes credit. | Decimal | |
Asset Number | assetNumber | AssetNumber__c | The asset number | Text | |
Asset Type | assetType | AssetType__c | The asset type. Available values include: Subscription Asset Entitlement | PickList | |
Balance | balance | Balance__c | The remaining balance of the invoice item after all payments, adjustments, and refunds are applied. | Currency | |
Billing Timing | billingTiming | BillingTiming__c | The billing time of the associated product | Text | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
End Date | endDate | EndDate__c | The end date of the billable period | Date | |
Id | id | ExternalId__c | The id of the record | ID | |
Invoice Item Number | name | Name | The Invoice Item Number that will be displayed in an invoice presentable to the end user. | Text | |
Invoice Number | invoiceNumber | InvoiceNumber__c | The Invoice Number of the invoice that contains this invoice item | Text | |
InvoiceId | invoiceId | InvoiceExternalId__c | The invoice that contains this invoice item | BMasterDetail | |
Is Catch Up | isCatchUp | Indicate whether the invoice is a catch-up invoice | Boolean | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Product | productId | ProductId__c | The product id | ID | |
Product Name | productName | ProductName__c | The product name | Text | |
Rated Credits | ratedCredits | RatedCredits__c | The amount of the rated credits in this billing period for the associated usage product that consumes credit. | Decimal | |
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Shipping And Handling | shippingAndHandling | ShippingAndHandling__c | Currency | ||
Start Date | startDate | StartDate__c | The start date of the billable period | Date | |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | TaxAmount__c | The tax amount. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount | transactionAmount | TransactionAmount__c | The amount being charged for the invoice item. This amount doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount Without Tax | transactionAmountWithoutTax | TransactionAmountWithoutTax__c | The amount being charged for the invoice item. This amount doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency | |
Transaction Date | transactionDate | TransactionDate__c | The Invoice Date | Date | |
Transaction Quantity | transactionQuantity | TransactionQuantity__c | The quantity of the transaction | Currency | |
Unit of Measure | uomId | UomId__c | The UOM Id of the product or service. | ID | |
Unit of Measure Name | uom | The UOM of the product or service. |
Invoice Item Detail
Represents additional granular information of an invoice item, by specifying the billable quantity and amount of a specific order product provisioned to the associated subscription, asset, or entitlement linked to the invoice item. The Invoice Item Detail is considered an Invoice Transaction.
API NAME | InvoiceItemDetail |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__InvoiceItemDetail__c |
Account ID | accountId | The Billing Account ID. | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Billed Amount | billedAmount | BilledAmount__c | The amount being billed for the associated order product in the current transaction. | Currency | |
Billing Timing | billingTiming | BillingTiming__c | The billing time of the associated order product | Text | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
End Date | endDate | EndDate__c | The end date of the billable period | Date | |
Id | id | NueId__c | The Id of the record in Nue | ID | |
Invoice Id | invoiceId | The invoice that the current invoice item detail is associated with. | Lookup (Invoice) | ||
Invoice Item Detail Number | name | Name | The Invoice Item Detail Number. | Text | |
Invoice Item Id | invoiceItemId | The invoice item that the current invoice item detail is associated with | BMasterDetail | ||
Is Catch Up | isCatchUp | Indicates whether the invoice is a catch-up invoice | Boolean | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Order Product Id | orderProductId | OrderProductId__c | The order product that the current invoice item detail is associated with | Lookup (OrderProduct) | |
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer ID | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Shipping And Handling | shippingAndHandling | ShippingAndHandling__c | The costs associated with the transportation and preparation of goods for delivery. | Currency | |
Start Date | startDate | StartDate__c | The start date of the billable period | Date | |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | TaxAmount__c | The tax amount of the transaction. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount | transactionAmount | TransactionAmount__c | The amount being charged for the associated invoice item. This amount include taxes if the tax engine is enabled. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount Without Tax | transactionAmountWithoutTax | TransactionAmountWithoutTax__c | The amount being charged for the associated invoice item. This amount doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency | |
Transaction Quantity | transactionQuantity | TransactionQuantity__c | The quantity of the transaction. | Currency | |
Type | detailType | Type__c | The type of the invoice item detail. Available values include: Committed, Overage. | PickList |
Credit Memo
Represents a customer credit memo that contains the amount reduced for products or services in specific billable periods.
API NAME | CreditMemo |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__CreditMemo__c |
Accounting Status | accountingStatus | AccountingStatus__c | Indicates whether or not the credit memo was transferred to an external accounting system, such as NetSuite. Available values are: Not Started (Default) Complete Error Skipped | Text | |
Activated By Id | activatedById | The user who activates the credit memo | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Activated Time | activatedTime | The time when the credit memo gets activated | Date Time | ||
Amount | amount | Amount__c | The total amount of the credit memo. | Currency | |
Amount Without Tax | amountWithoutTax | AmountWithoutTax__c | The sum of all invoice items' amount, with tax excluded | Currency | |
Applied By Id | appliedById | AppliedByExternalId__c | The id of the invoice or debit memo this credit memo is refunded for. This field is only available for the Credit-Back type credit memo generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. | Text | |
Applied By Object | appliedByObject | The name of the object this credit memo is refunded for. This field is only available for the Credit-Back type credit memo generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. Available values include: Invoice Debit Memo | PickList | ||
Balance | balance | Balance__c | The remaining balance of the credit memo that can be applied to invoices or credit memos | Currency | |
Bill To Contact | billToContactId | BillToContactId__c | The Bill To Contact JSON structure that holds a snapshot of the Bill To Contact for this credit memo. | Lookup (Contact) | |
Comments | comments | Ruby__Comments__c | The comments users added when activating or cancelling the credit memo. | Long Text Area(32768) | |
Created By | createdById | PostedById__c | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | PostedTime__c | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Credit Memo Date | creditMemoDate | CreditMemoDate__c | Credit Memo Date | Date | |
Credit Memo Number | name | Name | The Credit Memo Number that will be displayed in a credit memo presentable to the end user. | Text | |
Customer | customerId | AccountId__c | The billing account id | Lookup (Customer) | |
Due Date | dueDate | DueDate__c | Credit Memo Due Date | Date | |
End Date | endDate | EndDate__c | This date is used to determine the End Date of the billable period, where charges to be billed. All charges that are to be billed on this date or prior will be included in this bill schedule. | Date | |
External Credit Memo Id | externalCreditMemoId | ExternalCreditMemoId__c | The ID of the credit memo record in the payment system | Text | |
Id | id | ExternalId__c | The ID of the record | ID | |
Is Catch Up | isCatchUp | Indicates whether the credit memo is a catch-up credit memo. | Boolean | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Payment Details | paymentDetails | PaymentDetails__c | The detailed payment information, for example, payment errors, etc. | Text | |
Payment Status | paymentStatus | PaymentStatus__c | The payment status. Available values include: Not Transferred, Transferred, Paid, Partial Paid, Canceled, Credit-Back Default value is: Not Transferred | PickList | |
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Shipping And Handling | shippingAndHandling | ShippingAndHandling__c | The shipping and handling fee. | Currency | |
Start Date | startDate | StartDate__c | This date is used to determine the Start Date of the billable period, where charges are to be billed. | Date | |
Status | status | Status__c | The Credit Memo status. Available values include: Draft Active Canceled | PickList | |
Target Date | targetDate | TargetDate__c | The target date of the billing schedule which generates the credit memo | Date | |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | TaxAmount__c | The sum of all credit memo items' tax amount. | Currency | |
Tax Status | taxStatus | TaxStatus__c | The tax computation status. Available values include: Not Calculated (Default) Calculated Error | Text |
Credit Memo Item
Represents a customer credit memo that contains the amount reduced for products or services in specific billable periods.
API NAME | CreditMemo |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__CreditMemo__c |
Account ID | accountId | AccountId__c | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | |
Applied By Item Id | appliedByItemId | The id of the invoice item or debit memo item this credit memo item is refunded for. This field is only available for the Credit-Back type credit memo generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. | Text | ||
Applied By Object | appliedByObject | The name of the object this credit memo item is refunded for. This field is only available for the Credit-Back type credit memo generated when refunding an invoice or a debit memo. Available values include: Invoice Item Debit Memo Item | PickList | ||
Applied Credits | appliedCredits | AppliedCredits__c | The amount of the applied credits in this billing period for the associated usage product that consumes credit | Decimal | |
Asset Number | assetNumber | AssetNumber__c | The asset number | Text | |
Asset Type | assetType | AssetType__c | The asset type. Available values include: Subscription Asset Entitlement | PickList | |
Balance | balance | Balance__c | The remaining balance of the credit memo item that can be applied to invoice items or credit memo items | Currency | |
Billing Timing | billingTiming | BillingTiming__c | The billing time of the product | Text | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Credit Memo Item Number | name | Name | The Credit Memo Item Number that will be displayed in a credit memo presentable to the end user. | Text | |
Credit Memo Number | creditMemoNumber | CreditMemoNumber__c | The Credit Memo Number of the credit memo that contains this credit memo item | Text | |
End Date | endDate | EndDate__c | The end date of the billable period | Date | |
Id | id | ExternalId__c | The id of the record | ID | |
Is Catch Up | isCatchUp | Indicate whether the credit memo is a catch-up credit memo | Boolean | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Product | productId | ProductId__c | The product id | ID | |
Product Name | productName | ProductName__c | The product name | Text | |
Rated Credits | ratedCredits | RatedCredits__c | The amount of the rated credits in this billing period for the associated usage product that consumes credit | Decimal | |
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Shipping And Handling | shippingAndHandling | ShippingAndHandling__c | Currency | ||
Start Date | startDate | StartDate__c | The start date of the billable period | Date | |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | TaxAmount__c | The tax amount. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount | transactionAmount | TransactionAmount__c | The amount being charged for the credit memo item. This amount doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount Without Tax | transactionAmountWithoutTax | TransactionAmountWithoutTax__c | The amount of the credit memo item that doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency | |
Transaction Date | transactionDate | TransactionDate__c | The Credit Memo Date | Date | |
Transaction Quantity | transactionQuantity | TransactionQuantity__c | The quantity of the transaction | Currency | |
Unit of Measure | uomId | UomId__c | The UOM Id of the product or service. | ID | |
Unit of Measure Name | uom | The UOM of the product or service. | Text | ||
creditMemoId | creditMemoId | CreditMemoExternalId__c | The credit memo that contains this credit memo item | BMasterDetail |
Credit Memo Item Detail
Represents additional granular information of a credit memo item associated to an order product provisioned as the subscription, asset or entitlement related to the credit memo item. The Credit Memo Item Detail is considered a Credit Memo Transaction.
API NAME | CreditMemoItemDetail |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__CreditMemoItemDetail__c |
Account Id | accountId | The Billing Account ID | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Billed Amount | billedAmount | BilledAmount__c | The amount being billed for the associated order product in the current transaction. | Currency | |
Billing Timing | billingTiming | BillingTiming__c | The billing time of the associated order product. | Text | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record. | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created. | Date Time | |
Credit Memo Id | creditMemoId | The credit memo that the current credit memo item detail is associated with. | Lookup (CreditMemo) | ||
Credit Memo Item Detail Number | name | Name | The Credit Memo Item Detail Number. | Text | |
Credit Memo Item Id | creditMemoItemId | The credit memo item that the current credit memo item detail is associated with | BMasterDetail | ||
End Date | endDate | EndDate__c | The end date of the billable period. | Date | |
Id | id | NueId__c | The id of the record | ID | |
Is Catch Up | isCatchUp | Indicates whether the invoice is a catch-up invoice | Boolean | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Order Product Id | orderProductId | OrderProductId__c | The order product that the current credit memo item detail is associated with | Lookup (OrderProduct) | |
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Shipping And Handling | shippingAndHandling | ShippingAndHandling__c | The costs associated with the transportation and preparation of goods for delivery. | Currency | |
Start Date | startDate | StartDate__c | The start date of the billable period | Date | |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | TaxAmount__c | The tax amount of the transaction. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount | transactionAmount | TransactionAmount__c | The amount being charged for the associated credit memo item. This amount include taxes if the tax engine is enabled. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount Without Tax | transactionAmountWithoutTax | TransactionAmountWithoutTax__c | The amount being charged for the associated credit memo item. This amount doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency | |
Transaction Quantity | transactionQuantity | TransactionQuantity__c | The quantity of the transaction. | Currency | |
Type | detailType | Type__c | The type of the invoice item detail. Available values include: Committed, Overage. | PickList |
Debit Memo
Represents a document that indicates a reduction in the amount owed by one party to another party.
API NAME | DebitMemo |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__DebitMemo__c |
Activated By | activatedById | The user who activates the debit memo | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Activated Time | activatedTime | The time when the invoice gets activated | Date Time | ||
Amount | amount | Ruby__Amount__c | The total amount of the debit memo. | Currency | |
Amount Without Tax | amountWithoutTax | Ruby__AmountWithoutTax__c | The sum of all debit memo items' amount, with tax excluded | Currency | |
Balance | balance | Ruby__Balance__c | The remaining balance of the debit memo after all payments, adjustments, and refunds are applied. | Currency | |
Charge Reason | chargeReason | Ruby__ChargeReason__c | Charge reason of the debit memo, available values include: Late Fee Additional Fee Billing Discrepancies | PickList | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Customer | customerId | Ruby__AccountId__c | The billing account id | Lookup (Customer) | |
Debit Memo Number | name | Name | The Debit Memo Number that will be displayed in a debit memo presentable to the end user. | Text | |
Description | description | Ruby__Description__c | Additioanl description of the debit memo | Text | |
End Date | endDate | Ruby__EndDate__c | This date is used to determine the End Date of the billable period, where charges to be billed. All charges that are to be billed on this date or prior will be included in this bill schedule. | Date | |
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Payment Status | paymentStatus | Ruby__PaymentStatus__c | The payment status. Available values include: Not Transferred, Transferred, Paid, Partial Paid, Canceled, Refunded, Partial Refunded Default value is: Not Transferred | PickList | |
Source Id | sourceId | The ID of the invoice that generates the debit memo | Text | ||
Source Type | sourceType | The name of the object that generates the debit memo. Available values include: Invoice | PickList | ||
Start Date | startDate | Ruby__StartDate__c | This date is used to determine the Start Date of the billable period, where charges are to be billed. | Date | |
Status | status | Ruby__Status__c | The Debit Memo status. Available values include: Draft Active Canceled | PickList | |
Tax Amount | taxAmount | Ruby__TaxAmount__c | The sum of all debit memo items' tax amount. | Currency | |
Tax Status | taxStatus | Ruby__TaxStatus__c | The tax computation status. Available values include: Not Calculated (Default) Calculated Error | Text |
Debit Memo Item
Represents a record of a debit amount issued by a seller to a buyer, usually to correct an error or discrepancy in a previous transaction.
API NAME | DebitMemoItem |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__DebitMemoItem__c |
Account Id | accountId | Ruby__AccountId__c | The billing account id | Lookup (Customer) | |
Balance | balance | Ruby__Balance__c | The remaining balance of the debit memo item after all payments, adjustments, and refunds are applied. | Currency | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedByDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Debit Memo Id | debitMemoId | Ruby__DebitMemoId__c | The debit memo Id | BMasterDetail | |
Debit Memo Item Number | name | Name | The Debit Memo Item Number that will be displayed in a debit memo presentable to the end user. | Text | |
End Date | endDate | Ruby__EndDate__c | The end date of the billable period | Date | |
Id | id | ID | The id of the record | ID | |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Source Id | sourceId | The id of the invoice item that generates the debit memo item | Text | ||
Source Type | sourceType | The name of the object that generates the debit memo. Available values include: InvoiceItem | PickList | ||
Start Date | startDate | The start date of the billable period | Date | ||
Tax Amount | taxAmount | Ruby__TaxAmount__c | The tax amount. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount | transactionAmount | Ruby__TransactionAmount__c | The amount being charged for the debit memo item. This amount doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency | |
Transaction Amount Without Tax | transactionAmountWithoutTax | Ruby__TransactionAmountWithoutTax__c | The amount being charged for the debit memo item. This amount doesn't include taxes regardless if the charge's tax mode is inclusive or exclusive. | Currency |
Payment Application
Represents how and when a payment transaction occurs to an invoice.
API NAME | PaymentApplication |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__PaymentApplication__c |
Applied Amount | transactionAmount | TransactionAmount__c | The payment amount applied | Currency | |
Applied Date | transactionDate | TransactionDate__c | The date when the payment applied | Date | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Credit Memo ID | creditMemoId | CreditMemoId__c | The ID of the credit memo applied to the invoice or unapplied to the invoice | ID | |
Id | id | ExternalId__c | The id of the record | ID | |
Invoice | invoiceId | InvoiceId__c | The ID of the invoice that the payment is applied to. | Lookup (Invoice) | |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Negative Invoice ID | negativeInvoiceId | NegativeInvoiceId__c | The ID of the applied negative invoice applied to the invoice or unapplied to the invoice | ID | |
Payment Application Number | name | Name | The payment application number. | Text | |
Payment ID | paymentId | PaymentId__c | The ID of the payment record in the source system. | Id | |
Payment Method | paymentMethod | PaymentMethod__c | The method of how the payment is processed. Available values include: Electronic, Non-electronic | PickList | |
Payment Number | paymentNumber | PaymentNumber__c | The payment number of the payment record in the source system, e.g., PAY-001 | Text | |
Payment Source | paymentSource | PaymentSource__c | The name of the payment system. Available values include: Stripe, Quickbooks, NetSuite, Nue, etc. | PickList | |
Payment Type | paymentType | PaymentType__c | The name of the object which processes a payment. Available values include: Payment, NegativeInvoice, CreditMemo, Credit | PickList | |
Record type | recordType | RecordType__c | The type of the payment application. Available values include: Payment, Refund. | PickList | |
Status | status | Status__c | The status of the payment application. Available values include: Active, Canceled. | PickList | |
Timestamp | timestamp | Timestamp__c | The timestamp when the payment applied | Date Time |
Payment Application Item
Represents a payment transaction occurred to an invoice at the line level.
API NAME | PaymentApplicationItem |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__PaymentApplicationItem__c |
Applied Amount | transactionAmount | TransactionAmount__c | The payment amount applied by this item | Currency | |
Applied Date | transactionDate | TransactionDate__c | The date when the payment applied | Date | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Credit Memo Item ID | creditMemoItemId | CreditMemoItemId__c | The ID of credit memo item applied to the invoice or unapplied to the invoice | ID | |
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Invoice Item ID | invoiceItemId | InvoiceItemId__c | The invoice item that this payment is applied to | ID | |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedByID | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Negative Invoice Item ID | negativeInvoiceItemId | NegativeInvoiceItemId__c | The ID of negative invoice item applied to the invoice or unapplied to the invoice, and also for offseting the balance of positive invoice item by the negative invoice item in the same invoice | ID | |
Payment Application ID | paymentApplicationId | PaymentApplicationId__c | The id of the payment application | ID | |
Payment Application Item Number | name | Name | The payment application item number. | Text | |
Payment Method | paymentMethod | PaymentMethod__c | The method of how the payment is processed. Available values include: Electronic, Non-electronic | PickList | |
Payment Type | paymentType | Payment_Type__c | The name of the object which processes a payment. Available values include: Payment, NegativeInvoice, CreditMemo, Credit | PickList | |
Record type | recordType | RecordTypeId | The type of the payment application. Available values include: Payment, Refund. | PickList | |
Timestamp | timestamp | Timestamp__c | The timestamp when the payment applied | Date Time |
Billing Schedule
Represents a structured framework for organizing and managing the timing and execution of billing processes.
API NAME | BillingSchedule |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Auto Activate | autoActivate | Indicate whether auto-activate the generated invoices | Boolean | ||
Bill Cycle Day Filter | billCycleDayFilter | The filtered biiling cycle day, for example, 1st of Month | Text | ||
Catch-up Mode | catchUpMode | Indicate the mode when running a catch up billing schedule. Available values include: GenerateInvoices Simulation | PickList | ||
Clean Catch-up | cleanCatchUp | Indicate whether the previous generated catch-up type invoices or credit memos need to be deleted when runing a new catch up billing schedule | Boolean | ||
Created By | createdById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | ||
Created Through | createdThrough | Indicate how the billing schedule gets created. Available values include: Web Application API | PickList | ||
Customer Filter | customerFilter | The graphQL conditions of the customer filters | Text | ||
Customer Filter for UI | customerFilterForUi | The JSON formatted graphQL conditions of the customer filters | Text | ||
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Include Billing Accounts | includeBillingAccounts | Indicate whether the associated billing accounts need to be billed together with their sales accounts in this billing schedule | Boolean | ||
Include Subsidiaries | includeSubsidiaries | Indicate whether the associated child accounts need to be billed together with their parent accounts in this billing schedule | Boolean | ||
Invoice Date | invoiceDate | The invoice date displayed on the invoices | Date | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Last Run Date | lastRunDate | The last billing run date of this billing schedule | Date | ||
Order Filter | orderFilter | The graphQL conditions of the order filters | Text | ||
Order Filter for UI | orderFilterForUi | The JSON formatted graphQL conditions of the order filters | Text | ||
Product Filter | productFilter | The graphQL conditions of the product filters | Text | ||
Product Filter for UI | productFilterForUi | The JSON formatted graphQL conditions of the product filters | Text | ||
Recurring JSON | recurringJson | The JSON formattted Regular Expression capturing the billing job recurring schedule | Text | ||
Recurring Schedule | recurringSchedule | A Regular Expression capturing the billing job recurring schedule | Text | ||
Schedule Number | name | The billing schedule number. | Text | ||
Schedule Start Date | scheduleStartDate | The date that the first billing job is executed. | Date | ||
Schedule Type | scheduleType | The type of the Billing Schedule. Available values include: Recurring On Demand | PickList | ||
Split Invoice By Period | splitByPeriod | Indicate whether to generate invoices and credit memos for each billing periods | Boolean | ||
Status | status | The billing schedule status. Available values include: Draft Active Canceled Completed | PickList | ||
Target Date | targetDate | The date used to determine which order products to be billed. All order products that are to be billed on this date or prior to this date will be included in the billing job. | Date | ||
Timezone | zoneId | The billing schedule running timezone | Text |
Billing Job
Represents an execution instance of a billing schedule. A one-time billing schedule has one billing job, and a recurring billing schedule has one or more billing jobs.
API NAME | BillingJob |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Billing Schedule Id | billingScheduleId | The id of the Billing Schedule which triggers the job | Lookup (BillingSchedule) | ||
Catch-up Mode | catchUpMode | Indicate the mode when running a catch up billing schedule. Available values include: GenerateInvoices Simulation | PickList | ||
Clean Catch-up | cleanCatchUp | Indicate whether the previous generated catch-up type invoices or credit memos need to be deleted when runing a new catch up billing schedule | Boolean | ||
Created By | createdById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | ||
Credit Memos Generated | creditMemosGenerated | Total credit memos generated in this billing job. | Integer | ||
Customer Invoiced | customerInvoiced | Total customers invoiced in this billing job | Integer | ||
End Time | endTime | The time when the billing job ends. | Date Time | ||
Error Message | errorMessage | The detailed error message if the current billing job has errors | Text | ||
Execution Time | executionTime | The time in milliseconds between the start date and end date | Integer | ||
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Invoice Date | invoiceDate | Invoice Date of this billing job | Date | ||
Invoices Generated | invoicesGenerated | Total invoice generated in this billing job. | Integer | ||
Job Number | name | The billing job number. | Text | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Relations | relations | Information of invoiced customers and their generated invoices and credit memos | Text | ||
Split By Period | splitByPeriod | Indicate whether to generate invoices and credit memos for each billing periods | Boolean | ||
Start Time | startTime | The time when the billing job starts. | Date Time | ||
Status | status | The status of the billing job. Available values include: Scheduled Processing Completed Error Canceled Activated | Text | ||
Target Date | targetDate | Target Date of this billing job | Date |
Billing State
Tracks the invoicing statuses of the associated order product.
API NAME | BillingState |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Asset Id | assetId | The ID of the associated asset. | ID | |
Asset Number | assetNumber | The asset number, such as Subscription Number, Asset Number, Entitlement Number, etc. | Text(255) | |
Asset Type | assetType | The type of the associated asset, including Subscription, Asset, Entitlement, etc. | PickList | |
Billed Amount | billedAmount | The cumulative amount invoiced for the associated order product. | Currency | |
Billed Quantity | billedQuantity | The cumulative quantity invoiced for this order product. | Decimal | |
Billed Shipping and Handling | billedShipping | The cumulative shipping and handling invoiced for this order product. | Currency | |
Billing Account | billingAccountId | The ID of the billing account for the associated order product. | Lookup (Customer) | |
Created By | createdById | The user who created this record. | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created. | Date Time | |
ID | id | The record ID. | ID | |
Invoiced Until | invoicedUntil | The date up to which billing has been processed for the order product. | Date | |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The user who last updated the record. | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The date when the record is last updated. | Date Time | |
Next Billing Date | nextBillingDate | The date for the next billing cycle of the order product. | Date | |
Order Product | orderProductId | The associated order product. | MasterDetail (OrderProduct) | |
Order Product Number | name | The Order Product Number | Text(80) | |
Product Id | productId | The product ID | Text(80) | |
Product Name | productName | The product Name | Text(255) | |
Product SKU | productSKU | The product SKU | Text(80) | |
Sales Account | salesAccountId | The ID of the sales account for the associated order product. | Lookup (Customer) |
Nue Usage Accelerator Objects
Raw Usage
Represents a raw usage record resulted from a measuable consumption of a product or service.
API NAME | RawUsage |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | ||
Customer Id | customerId | The billing account Id | ID | ||
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Properties | properties | A JSON representation of the custom properties of the raw usage | Text | ||
Quantity | quantity | The quantity of the raw usage | Decimal | ||
Raw Usage Number | name | The raw usage number. | AutoNumber | ||
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Subscription Id | subscriptionId | The id of the subscription this raw usage is for | ID | ||
Timestamp | timestamp | The timestamp of when the raw usage occurs | Date Time | ||
Transaction Id | transactionId | Indicate the group of raw usage data | Text | ||
Usage Id | usageId | The id of the generate usage after this raw usage gets rated | Lookup (Usage) |
Represents a rated usage record resulted from grouping of a set of usage records.
API NAME | Usage |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__NueUsage__c |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Credits Applied | creditsApplied | Ruby__CreditsApplied__c | The amount of applied credits for this usage | Decimal | |
Customer Id | customerId | Ruby__Account__c | The billing account Id | Lookup (Customer) | |
End Time | endTime | Ruby__EndTime__c | The end time of the raw usage window. | Date Time | |
Error Code | errorCode | Ruby__ErrorCode__c | The error code when rating the usage if it has | Text | |
Error Message | errorMessage | Ruby__ErrorMessage__c | The error message when rating the usage if it has | Text | |
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Invoice Id | invoiceId | Ruby__Invoice__c | The associated invoice id | ID | |
Invoice Item Id | invoiceItemId | Ruby__InvoiceItem__c | The associated invoice item id | ID | |
Invoice Item Number | invoiceItemNumber | Ruby__InvoiceItemNumber__c | The associated invoice item number | Text | |
Invoice Number | invoiceNumber | Ruby__InvoiceNumber__c | The associated invoice number | Text | |
Is Cash | isCash | Ruby__IsCash__c | Indicates whether the rated amount is cash type | Boolean | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | |
Order Number | orderNumber | Ruby__OrderNumber__c | The number of the associated order of this usage | Text | |
Order Product Id | orderProductId | Ruby__OrderProduct__c | The order product associated with the subscription. | ID | |
Order Product Number | orderProductNumber | Ruby__OrderProductNumber__c | The number of the associated order product of this usage | Text | |
Product Id | productId | Ruby__Product__c | The usage product ID | Lookup (Product) | |
Properties | properties | Ruby__Properties__c | A JSON representation of the custom properties of the raw usage | Text | |
Quantity | quantity | Ruby__Quantity__c | The consumed quantity of this usage. | Decimal | |
Ratable Time | ratableTime | The time offset when processing rating service | Date Time | ||
Rated Amount | ratedAmount | Ruby__RatedAmount__c | The rated amount of the usage, returned by the rating engine. | Decimal | |
Rated Time | ratedTime | Ruby__RatedTime__c | The rated time of the usage record | Date Time | |
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | Ruby__SalesAccountId__c | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | |
Start Time | startTime | Ruby__StartTime__c | The start time of the raw usage window. | Date Time | |
Status | status | Ruby__Status__c | The usage status. Available values include: Open Rated Billed Error | PickList | |
Subscription Id | subscriptionId | Ruby__Subscription__c | The subscription ID, which is always the latest version of the subscription. | ID | |
Subscription Number | subscriptionNumber | Ruby__SubscriptionNumber__c | The subscription number. | Text | |
Term End Date | termEndDate | Ruby__TermEndDate__c | The End Date of the usage term, used by the rating engine. | Date | |
Term Start Date | termStartDate | Ruby__TermStartDate__c | The Start Date of the usage term, used by the rating engine. | Date | |
Termed Total Quantity | termedTotalQuantity | Ruby__TermedTotalQuantity__c | The total quantity already consumed in the usage term, including the quantity of the current usage, used by the rating engine. | Decimal | |
Usage Number | name | Name | The usage number. | AutoNumber | |
Window Size | windowSize | Ruby__WindowSize__c | The window size of the raw usage. Available values include: DAY HOUR | PickList | |
Zone Id | zoneId | Ruby__TimeZone__c | The timezone information | Text |
Credit Pool
Defines the system credit pool, which will be used as a template to generate Account Credit Pool for each customer.
API NAME | CreditPool |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__CreditPool__c |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | |
Credit Pool Name | name | Name | The name of the credit pool | Text | |
Credit Type Id | creditTypeId | Ruby__CreditType__c | The id of the credit type | Lookup (CreditType) | |
Id | id | Id | The id of the record | ID | |
Is Default | isDefault | Ruby__IsDefault__c | Determines if the current credit pool is used as system default credit pool | Boolean | |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time |
Account Credit Pool
Represents the credit pool for each customer, which contains the credits issued to the customer and the flows of how the credit balance changes.
API NAME | AccountCreditPool |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Account Credit Pool Number | name | The number of the account credit pool | Text | ||
Balance | balance | The balance of the account credit pool | Decimal | ||
Created By | createdById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | ||
Credit Pool Id | creditPoolId | The id of the credit pool | Lookup (CreditPool) | ||
Credit Type Id | creditTypeId | The id of the credit type | Lookup (CreditType) | ||
Customer Id | customerId | The Customer ID that the credit pool belongs to | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Status | status | The status of the account credit pool, available options: Active | PickList |
Credit Type
Represents the type of credit, which can be Credit or Cash.
API NAME | CreditType |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Created By | createdById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | ||
Credit Type | category | The category of the credit type, Available values include: Credit Cash | PickList | ||
Credit Type Name | name | The display name of the credit type | Text | ||
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Status | status | Indicates whether the credit type is active, available options: Active, Inactive | PickList |
Represents the credit issued by a Credit Burn-down product or service the customer purchased.
API NAME | Credit |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Account Pool Id | accountPoolId | The Account Pool ID that the credit belongs to | ID | ||
Amount | amount | The total amount of the credit | Decimal | ||
Asset Id | assetId | The id of the associated asset | ID | ||
Asset Number | assetNumber | The number of the associated asset | Text | ||
Asset Type | assetType | The type of the associated asset | PickList | ||
Balance | balance | The balance of the credit | Decimal | ||
Cash Amount | cashAmount | The cash amout of the credit | Currency | ||
Created By | createdById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | ||
Credit Number | name | The number of the credit | Text | ||
Credit Type Id | creditTypeId | The id of the credit type | Lookup (CreditType) | ||
Customer Id | customerId | The Customer ID that the credit belongs to | Lookup (Customer) | ||
End Date | endDate | The expiration date of the credit | Date | ||
End Time | endTime | The expiration datetime of the credit | Date Time | ||
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Issue Date | issueDate | The date when the credit is issued | Date | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Order Product Id | orderProductId | The id of the associated order product | Lookup (OrderProduct) | ||
Start Date | startDate | The start date of the credit | Date | ||
Start Time | startTime | The start datetime of the credit | Date Time | ||
Time Zone | timeZone | The time zome information when the credit is issued | Text |
Credit Flow
Represents the credit inflow (grants) and outflow (consumption) of a certain amount of credits.
API NAME | CreditFlow |
SALESFORCE API NAME | (This object does not have a mirrored copy in Salesforce) |
Account Pool Id | accountPoolId | The Account Pool ID that the credit flow belongs to | ID | ||
Balance | balance | The balance of the credit | Decimal | ||
Created By | createdById | The user who created the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Created Date | createdDate | The date when the record is created | Date Time | ||
Credit End Date | creditEndDate | The expiration date of the credit | Date | ||
Credit Flow Number | name | The number of the creidt flow | Text | ||
Credit Id | creditId | The id of the associated credit | ID | ||
Credit Number | creditNumber | The number of the associated credit | Text | ||
Credit Start Date | creditStartDate | The start date of the credit | Date | ||
Credit Type Id | creditTypeId | The id of the credit type | Lookup (CreditType) | ||
Customer Id | customerId | The Customer ID that the credit flow belongs to | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Id | id | The id of the record | ID | ||
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | The last user who updated the record | Lookup (UserProfile) | ||
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | The last date when the record is updated | Date Time | ||
Record Type | recordType | The record type of the credit flow, available options : Inflow / Outflow | PickList | ||
Sales Account Id | salesAccountId | The customer id | Lookup (Customer) | ||
Subscription Number | assetNumber | The number of the associated asset | Text | ||
Transaction Amount | transactionAmount | The transaction amount included in the credit flow | Decimal | ||
Transaction Date | transactionDate | The date when the transaction occurs | Date | ||
Transaction Source | transactionSource | The source object to consume the credit, available options : Usage / Payment Application Item | Text | ||
Transaction Source Id | transactionSourceId | The source object id associated with the credit flow | Text | ||
Transaction Type | transactionType | The transaction type of the credit flow, available options : Issue / Consume / Cancel / Expire | PickList |