Webhooks are a way for different applications or services to communicate with each other in real-time. In simple terms, a webhook is a method of sending automated notifications or data from one application to another whenever a specific event or trigger occurs.
Here's how it typically works: One application sets up a webhook by specifying a URL endpoint where it wants to receive data. When a particular event happens in the source application, such as a new order placed or a form submission, it sends a POST request containing relevant information to the specified URL. The receiving application, or webhook listener, then processes this incoming data and takes appropriate actions based on the payload it receives.
Webhooks are commonly used to enable integrations between different systems, allowing them to exchange data in a timely manner. They are often employed in scenarios such as real-time notifications, data synchronization, triggering actions or workflows, and updating information across multiple platforms.
Compared to traditional polling or manual data retrieval methods, webhooks offer a more efficient and proactive way of transmitting information between applications. They eliminate the need for constant polling by the receiving application and enable instant communication when events occur, facilitating streamlined and automated processes in various software ecosystems.
Webhook Events
Webhook events refer to specific occurrences or triggers within an application that prompts the sending of data via a webhook. These events can vary depending on the objects and their functionalities. For example, events can be a new order being placed, a customer updating their information, and an invoice being created.
Nue currently support the following webhook events:
order.created | The event is raised when an order, including an order placed in Salesforce, or an order placed via self-service API, is created. |
order.activated | The event is raised when an order, including an order placed in Salesforce, or an order placed via self-service API, is activated. |
order.canceled | The event is raised when an order, including an order placed in Salesforce, or an order placed via self-service API, is canceled. |
invoice.created | The event is raised when an invoice is created. |
invoice.activated | The event is raised when an invoice is activated. |
invoice.canceled | The event is raised when an invoice is canceled. |
invoice.payment_processed |
The event is raised when an invoice payment attempt succeeds. |
invoice.refund_processed |
The event is raised when an invoice refund attempt succeeds |
invoice.paid |
The event is raised an invoice payment status is marked as paid |
invoice.refunded |
The event is raised an invoice payment status is marked as refunded |
invoice.written_off |
The event is raised when an invoice has been written off or partially written off |
credit_memo.created | The event is raised when a credit memo is created. |
credit_memo.activated | The event is raised when a credit memo is activated. |
credit_memo.canceled | The event is raised when a credit memo is canceled. |
credit_memo.applied |
The event is raised when a credit memo apply to an invoice or a debit memo |
credit_memo.unapplied |
The event is raised when a credit memo unapply from an invoice or a debit memo |
billing_job.completed | The event is raised when a billing job is completed. |
| The event is raised when a billing job is completed with an error. |
| The event is raised when a billing job is failed. |
price_tag.created | The event is raised when a price tag is created. |
price_tag.deleted | The event is raised when a price tag is deleted. |
price_tag.updated | The event is raised when a price tag is updated. |
price_tier.created | The event is raised when a price tier is created. |
price_tier.deleted | The event is raised when a price tier is deleted. |
price_tier.updated | The event is raised when a price tier is updated. |
Webhook Endpoints
Webhook endpoints are URLs provided by the receiving application where data is sent when a webhook event occurs. Essentially, an endpoint acts as a destination for the data being transmitted by the webhook. When setting up a webhook, the user registers the endpoint URL to a relevant event type. Nue processes the incoming data and performs the necessary actions based on the payload received.
Register Webhook Endpoints
For instance, you would like to create a mirrored invoice in an accounting system once a Nue invoice was activated. You can follow the steps below.
Navigating to Webhook Configuration
- Login to Nue App
- Click on Settings → In the Settings Search Box, search for 'Webhooks'
Register a Webhook Endpoint
- Click "New Webhook Endpoint" button
- Enter the name of the endpoint. For example, "Accounting System Integration"
- Enter your Endpoint URL
- Endpoint URL is where the Nue events are sent to.
To receive Nue events, the Endpoint URL must actively listen for these events and handle them appropriately. For instance, this can be achieved by employing an iPaaS tool as the webhook listener.
In our scenario, we can establish the Endpoint URL using a trigger URL from an iPaaS platform, such as "https://4e540848-d17b-4a06-99c1-a36437f9d0b1.trayapp.io".
- Endpoint URL is where the Nue events are sent to.
- Select one or more event types to register the URL with
- Once registered, when any of the selected events raised, Nue will post the event with event payload to the Endpoint URL.
- In our case, you can add "invoice.activated" event to register the webhook URL with this event.
- Click Save. Now your webhook endpoint is successfully registered with selected event types.
Handle Events in Your Application
Nue's webhook event payload contains the user ID of the event trigger, the timestamp when the event occurred, the type of event, and details about the associated resource.
In our case, the event type is "invoice.activated
", and the resource information consists of the invoice record data as well as the invoice item records. The webhook listener located at the URL "https://4e540848-d17b-4a06-99c1-a36437f9d0b1.trayapp.io" will parse the invoice payload, perform data transformation, and initiate the creation of a mirrored invoice in the Accounting System by invoking the accounting API.
Example Payload
The following is an example payload of order.activated
"order": {
"id": "8014w000008ZoiHAAS",
"tax": 0,
"name": "Test",
"poDate": null,
"status": "Activated",
"endDate": null,
"ownerId": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"discount": 0,
"orderACV": 3000,
"orderTCV": 3000,
"poNumber": null,
"subtotal": 3000,
"listTotal": 3000,
"orderType": null,
"customerId": "0014w00004AcEWWAA3",
"grandTotal": null,
"totalPrice": 3000,
"createdById": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"createdDate": "2024-11-11T22:11:56.000+00:00",
"description": null,
"orderNumber": "00002058",
"priceBookId": "01s4w000001fahYAAQ",
"totalAmount": 3000,
"__customerEx": "{\"id\":\"0014w00004AcEWWAA3\",\"name\":\"Canva UK\",\"accountNumber\":null,\"orderPrimaryContactEmail\":null,\"orderPrimaryContactPhone\":null,\"orderPrimaryContactName\":null,\"shippingStreet\":null,\"shippingCity\":null,\"shippingState\":null,\"shippingPostalCode\":null,\"shippingCountry\":null,\"entityUseCode\":null,\"billingStreet\":null,\"billingCity\":null,\"billingState\":null,\"billingPostalCode\":null,\"billingCountry\":null,\"taxExempt\":null,\"entityId\":null,\"timezone\":null,\"billingSettings\":{\"billCycleDay\":\"1st of Month\",\"billingPeriod\":\"Month\",\"billingStart\":\"2024-10\",\"billingTiming\":null,\"prorationEnabled\":null,\"paymentTerm\":\"Net 30\",\"hideZeroItems\":null,\"creditMemoMode\":null,\"termBasis\":null,\"revenueModelMapping\":null,\"splitBySalesAccount\":null,\"splitForMilestone\":null,\"specificPeriods\":null,\"groupingAttributes\":null}}",
"billCycleDay": null,
"activatedById": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"activatedDate": "2024-11-11T22:11:58.000+00:00",
"billingPeriod": "Month",
"entityUseCode": null,
"paymentMethod": "ACH",
"billingAddress": null,
"discountAmount": 0,
"orderStartDate": "2024-11-01",
"paymentMethods": "ACH",
"systemDiscount": 0,
"billToContactId": null,
"orderPlacedDate": "2024-11-11",
"shipToContactId": null,
"shippingAddress": null,
"billingAccountId": "0014w00004AcEWWAA3",
"lastModifiedById": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"lastModifiedDate": "2024-11-11T22:11:58.000+00:00",
"subscriptionTerm": 12,
"cancelOnPaymentFail": false,
"shippingAndHandling": null,
"subscriptionEndDate": "2025-10-31",
"orderReferenceNumber": null,
"systemDiscountAmount": 0,
"companyAuthorizedById": null,
"companyAuthorizedDate": null,
"subscriptionStartDate": "2024-11-01",
"totalAmountWithoutTax": 3000,
"customerAuthorizedById": null,
"customerAuthorizedDate": null,
"isShippingAddressSameAsBilling": true
"assets": [],
"contacts": [],
"customer": null,
"invoices": [],
"entitlements": [],
"orderProducts": [
"id": "8024w00000ZbDVKAA3",
"sku": "pipedrive10_1724900663615",
"tax": 0,
"name": "0000009223",
"uomId": "a0T4w00000rgGMOEA2",
"entity": null,
"status": "Activated",
"assetId": "a0R4w000010iVnuEAE",
"orderId": "8014w000008ZoiHAAS",
"taxCode": "SW056003",
"taxMode": null,
"__uom_ex": "{\"id\":\"a0T4w00000rgGMOEA2\",\"name\":\"Each/Month\",\"decimalScale\":0,\"roundingMode\":\"Up\",\"quantityDimension\":\"Each\",\"termDimension\":\"Month\"}",
"deltaACV": 3000,
"deltaARR": 3000,
"deltaTCV": 3000,
"discount": 0,
"entityId": null,
"isChange": false,
"lineType": "LineItem",
"quantity": 250,
"subtotal": 3000,
"accountId": "0014w00004AcEWWAA3",
"assetType": "Subscription",
"autoRenew": false,
"deltaCMRR": 250,
"evergreen": false,
"listPrice": 1,
"productId": "01t4w00000PQs5jAAD",
"sortOrder": 1,
"changeType": "NewProduct",
"totalPrice": 3000,
"assetNumber": "SUB-004472",
"createdById": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"createdDate": "2024-11-11T22:11:57.000+00:00",
"description": null,
"priceBookId": "01s4w000001fahYAAQ",
"productName": "Pipedrive Documents",
"totalAmount": 3000,
"billCycleDay": null,
"billingPeriod": "Month",
"billingTiming": "In Arrears",
"changeAssetId": null,
"entityUseCode": null,
"includedUnits": null,
"netSalesPrice": 1,
"actualQuantity": 250,
"carvesEligible": false,
"discountAmount": 0,
"listTotalPrice": 3000,
"systemDiscount": 0,
"changeAssetType": "Subscription",
"currencyIsoCode": null,
"productOptionId": null,
"billingAccountId": "0014w00004AcEWWAA3",
"cancellationDate": null,
"lastModifiedById": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"lastModifiedDate": "2024-11-11T22:11:58.000+00:00",
"lifecycleEndDate": null,
"priceBookEntryId": "01u4w00000R60aUAAR",
"proratedQuantity": null,
"subscriptionTerm": 12,
"revenueContractId": null,
"summaryLineItemId": null,
"defaultRenewalTerm": 0,
"lifecycleStartDate": null,
"rootOrderProductId": null,
"billCycleStartMonth": null,
"shippingAndHandling": null,
"subscriptionEndDate": "2025-10-31",
"carvesRevenueSegment": null,
"parentOrderProductId": null,
"systemDiscountAmount": 0,
"productOptionQuantity": null,
"subscriptionStartDate": "2024-11-01",
"totalAmountWithoutTax": 3000,
"actualSubscriptionTerm": 12,
"carvesLiabilitySegment": null,
"contractRevenueSegment": null,
"contractLiabilitySegment": null,
"changeReferenceOrderProductId": null
"subscriptions": [
"id": "a0R4w000010iVnuEAE",
"zoneId": "America/Los_Angeles",
"endDate": "2025-10-31",
"version": 1,
"entityId": null,
"quantity": 250,
"termType": "Month",
"accountId": "0014w00004AcEWWAA3",
"assetType": "Subscription",
"evergreen": false,
"productId": "01t4w00000PQs5jAAD",
"startDate": "2024-11-01",
"taxAmount": 0,
"priceModel": "Usage",
"productSku": "pipedrive10",
"totalPrice": 3000,
"windowSize": "DAY",
"assetNumber": "SUB-004472",
"createdById": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"createdTime": "2024-11-11T22:11:58.000+00:00",
"description": null,
"productName": "Pipedrive Documents",
"billCycleDay": null,
"billingPeriod": "Month",
"billingTiming": "In Arrears",
"orderProductId": "8024w00000ZbDVKAA3",
"billingAccountId": "0014w00004AcEWWAA3",
"cancellationDate": null,
"lastModifiedById": "0054w00000B2HZoAAN",
"lastModifiedTime": "2024-11-11T22:11:58.000+00:00",
"billCycleStartMonth": null,
"delaySecondsForRating": 300
"changeOrderRequest": null,
"linePriceDimensions": []
Troubleshoot and Resend Webhook Events
If you don't receive an expected response from registered endpoints, you can review the webhook event logs to examine the details of all events sent to the current endpoint. If there's a connection problem or the endpoint returns a failed response code, you'll notice the event marked as failed in the log.
To quickly find a specific event, you can search by resource ID or filter events based on status, event type, or date.
Additionally, if needed, you can resend an event to the endpoint URL by clicking Resend at the top right of the event response section. This action triggers Nue to resend a new event to the endpoint with the same content as the failed event.
Putting It Altogether
Webhooks serve as real-time communication channels between different applications or services, allowing them to exchange automated notifications or data when specific events occur.
Typically, one application configures a webhook by specifying a URL endpoint where it wants to receive data. When a predefined event happens in the source application, such as a new order or invoice being created, relevant information is sent in a POST request to the specified URL. The receiving application, or webhook listener, processes this data and takes appropriate actions based on the received payload.
Webhooks are commonly used for integrating different systems, facilitating real-time notifications, data synchronization, and automated workflows. Compared to traditional methods like polling, webhooks offer a more efficient and proactive way to transmit information, eliminating the need for constant checking and enabling instant communication upon event occurrence.
Nue supports various webhook events, including order and invoice-related actions, each triggering specific operations in the receiving application. Users can register webhook endpoints to receive these events, specifying the event types they're interested in.
For instance, to integrate Nue with an accounting system to create mirrored invoices upon activation, users can follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Webhook Configuration in the Nue App Settings.
2. Register a new webhook endpoint, providing a name and Endpoint URL.
3. Select the desired event types, such as "invoice.activated", for which the webhook URL should be notified.
4. Handle the incoming events in the receiving application, parsing the payload and initiating necessary actions, like creating mirrored invoices in the accounting system.
In case of issues with endpoint responses, users can troubleshoot by reviewing webhook event logs, searching or filtering events by various criteria, and resending failed events if necessary, ensuring smooth communication between applications.