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Release 2401.1 - 01/31/2024

Release 2401.1

Scheduled on Wednesday, 01/31/2024



  • This update introduces Nue webhooks to enable event-based integrations with other systems. It also includes bug fixes to improve stability.
  • No man is an island, and neither is Nue.
    That’s why we have webhooks to see your work through.
    They augment your work without great complication -
    They let Nue give outside apps notification
    Of all of the things that might yet come to pass
    In the always-on tech stack of enterprise SaaS.
    (I’ll now stop of webhooks the virtues extolling -
    But they offer a change from traditional polling!).
  • You can level up RevRec without reservation.
    You now have a way to flag Carves Allocation.
    If the field’s marked as true, then the carving is nigh.
    But if text fields read “false” then the carves don’t apply.
  • If something goes wrong then we’ll troubleshoot quick —
    But in the meantime we don’t want problems to stick.
    That’s why our new Stripe fix is one you should know.
    It mitigates problems in tax billing flow.
  • We’ve also fixed issues with invoicing glitches
    In Stripe so your sales stack can work without hitches.

Feature Enhancements

Nue Platform

Nue webhooks

  • Nue webhooks facilitate communication with external applications. Webhooks act as triggers to notify outside systems when particular events occur within Nue. This allows you to build event-based integrations that react to changes or activities in Nue in real time. For detailed instructions on how to register endpoints and trace webhook events, please refer to this article.

RightRev Integration

Ability to flag a product's carves eligibility

  • We've added a checkbox labeled 'Eligible to Include in Carves Allocation' to the Revenue Recognition section when creating or editing a new product. This field is used to indicate the product's carves eligibility. True means that the product is subject to carve-in/carve-out allocation. False means that it is subject to the simple deferred/recognized revenue schedule.

Stripe Integration

Enhancement to tax transaction error handling

  • We have improved error handling for tax transactions. If an invoice for a billing account fails tax commitment, we skip activation for all invoices under that billing account, but invoices for other billing accounts should still be activated.
  • On the Salesforce side, a new value Committed needs to be added to the Tax Status picklist, which is a restricted picklist, on Invoice, Credit Memo, and Debit Memo objects. Please follow the steps below:
    • (1) Go to Setup → Object Manager → Invoice (Ruby__Invoice__c) → Fields & Relationships → Tax Status
    • (2) Add a new value: Committed
    • (3) Follow the same steps for Credit Memo (Ruby__CreditMemo__c) and Debit Memo (Ruby__DebitMemo__c) objects

Bug Fixes

Stripe Integration

Invoice has no invoice item in Stripe when Billing Account is different from Sales Account

  • Previously, when the Billing Account differs from the Sales Account, invoice items could not be synchronized to Stripe. We have now resolved this issue.

Cancel Order produces an invoice with incorrect Tax and Total amounts in Stripe

  • Previously, canceling an order resulted in an invoice with incorrect Tax and Total amounts in Stripe. This issue has been resolved in this release.