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Nue Object Model - Lifecycle Manager

From capturing customer information and managing opportunities to processing orders, provisioning subscriptions / assets / entitlements, and facilitating renewals, Nue Lifecycle Manager enhances sales productivity and enables a seamless customer experience.


This article outlines the object model of Nue Lifecycle Manager. 



Object Model Overview - Nue Lifecycle Manager

As illustrated in the following diagram, Nue Lifecycle Manager leverages and extends standard CRM objects in Salesforce, including Account, Opportunity, Quote, Order, Asset, etc.  Most of these objects also have their mirrored objects in Nue's Cloud Services deployed external to Salesforce.  


At a high level, the following business flows are supported in Nue Lifecycle Manager:


Create Quote A sales user creates a new quote for an opportunity, and add one or more products as quote line items into the quote. The products can be standalone products or bundles of different revenue models, including Recurring, One-time, Overage Usage, Credit Burndown, Credit.


Approve Quote and Generate Order Form A quote may be auto-approved or submitted for approval based on the discounting level applied.  Once approved, the sales user can generate the order form and send the order form to customers for review and sign.


Finalize and Activate Order When an order form is signed, the sales user can finalize the quote into an order, and activate the order.  Optionally, when the sales user marks the opportunity as Closed Won, the opportunity's primary quote will be finazlied into an active order.  

  • When a quote is finalized into an order, the quote's header information is copied into the order, and all quote line items are converted into order products of the order; 
  • When an order is activated, its order products wil be provisioned into subscriptions, assets, and entitlements, according to the product category of the order product. 

Manage Customer Lifecycle The sales user can view and manage a customer's orders, subscriptions, assets, entitlements, invoices, credits, usage, and revenue contracts in the Customer Lifecycle Manager.


Create Change Quote or Order Within the Lifecycle Manager, the sales user has the ability to submit change requests for subscriptions, assets, and entitlements. These change requests may include various actions such as updating quantities, extending or reducing subscription durations, renewing subscriptions, and more. The sales user can add these change requests in a designated Change Cart and proceed to checkout the changes by generating a change quote or order based on the contents of the Change Cart.

  • Optionally, the sales user can associate the quote or order with a Change Opportunity, so that the delta ARR, delta TCV and other critical metrics can be rolled back into the sales pipeline.  
  • Each Change Line - the quote line item or the order product - contains changes to the original subscriptions, assets or entitlements only.  However, we also generate a Summary Line that represents the information after the changes are applied. 
    • For instance, a subscription SUB-00001 contains 100 users with $10 per user, from 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023, having TCV $12,000.  A Change Line is created to add 50 users with $10 per user, from 07/01/2023 to 12/31/2023, having TCV $6,000.  A Summary Line is generated to contain 150 users, with $10 per user, from 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023, having TCV $18,000.  
    • The Summary Line is for information only.  It is not meant for reporting or data analysis. 

Finalize and Activate Change Order The sales user can follow a similar procedure to obtain approval for the change quote and generate an order form.  Once the quote is approved and order form is signed by the customer, the sales user can finalize the quote into an active order. 

  • When a change order is activated, for each Change Line, its associated subscription, asset or entitlement is versioned.  The following actions occur: 
    • The original subscription, asset or entitlement (e.g., Version 1) is replicated into a copy as a historical record.  This historical record's status is set as Expired.  
    • The information on the Summary Line (that contains the information after the change is applied) is copied into the original subscirption, asset or entitlement.  
    • The version of the original subscription, asset or entitlement now increments by 1.  
    • An Asset Order Product record is created that stores the association relationship between the Change Line and the subscription, asset or entitlement.



Generally speaking, a change order captures changes of one or more existing active subscriptions, assets or entitlements. The ‘changes’ captured include the delta in quantity of goods or services, subscription terms, and financial metrics, such as ARR, CMRR, ACV, TCV.


Once a change order is activated, the quantity and the subscription term changes will be further used to fulfill products and provision services. The financial delta amount captured will be used for metrics calculation, because it reflects the financial changes as well as the change date of the transaction.


A subscription, asset or entilement may go through many changes over time.  Each change will create a new version of the subscription, asset or entitlment.  By querying the Asset Order Product records, we can retrieve all the changes leading to each version of the subscription, asset or entitlement. 


In conclusion, a change order is essentially not making a change directly to an order, but it is making changes to the subscriptions, assets, and entitlements provisioned from one or more previous orders. These changes, once captured and activated, can be applied to create newer versions of these subscriptions, assets and entitlements.

Lifecycle Manager Objects


Represents an individual customer account, partner or organization.


API NAMECustomer


The following table outlines all fields of the Customer object.  
Account NumberaccountNumberAccountNumberAutoNumberThe auto-numbered account number. 
Auto RenewautoRenewRuby__AutoRenew__cPickList

Determines if the subscriptions of a customer will be auto-renewed by default. 


Available options are: 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Default to Subscription Configuration
Bill Cycle DatebillCycleDayRuby__BillCycleDay__cPickListDetermines on which day the billing cycle starts. There is an organizational default Bill Cycle Day, but can be overridden at the customer level.
Billing CitybillingCityBillingCityTextThe City of the billing address. 
Billing CountrybillingCountryBillingCountryTextThe Country of the billing address.
Billing StatebillingStateBillingStateTextThe State of the billing address.
Billing StreetbillingStreetBillingStreetTextThe Street of the billing address.
Billing ZipCodebillingZipCodeBillingZipCodTextThe Zip Code of the billing address. 
Created BycreatedByIdCreatedByIdLookup (UserProfile)The created-by user.
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateDate TimeThe created date.
Customer IdidIdIDThe customer ID.
Customer NamenameNameText (255)The customer name.
Customer SincecustomerSinceRuby__CustomerSince__cDateThe date when the first order of this customer is activated.
DescriptiondescriptionDescriptionLong TextThe customer description.
FaxfaxFaxPhoneThe fax number.
IndustryindustryIndustryPickListThe customer industry.  
Invoice BalanceinvoiceBalanceRuby__InvoiceBalance__cCurrencyThe total invoice balance of this customer.
Last Invoice DatelastInvoiceDateRuby__LastInvoiceDate__cDateThe date when the last invoice was generated.
Last Modified BylastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdLookup (UserProfile)The last modified user.
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateDate TimeThe last modified date.
Latest Order DatelatestOrderDateRuby__LatestOrderDate__cDateThe date when the last order was placed and activated.
Parent CustomerparentCustomerIdParentIdIDThe parent customer ID if there exists an account hierarchy for this customer.
PhonephonePhonePhoneThe phone number.
Record TyperecordTypeRuby__AccountRecordType__cPickList

The customer record type.  Available values include :

  • Business
  • Consumer
Sales AccountsalesAccountIdRuby__SalesAccount__cLookup(Customer)

The associated sales account of this billing account.

Shipping CityshippingCityShippingCityText

The City of the shipping address. 

Shipping CountryshippingCountryShippingCountryTextThe Country of the shipping address.
Shipping StateshippingStateShippingStateTextThe State of the shipping address.
Shipping StreetshippingStreetShippingStreetTextThe Street of the shipping address.
Shipping Zip CodeshippingZipCodeShippingZipCodeTextThe Zip Code of the shipping address. 
Today's ARRtodayARRRuby__TodayARR__cCurrencyTotal contractual ARR contributed by this customer today.
Today's CMRRtodayCMRRRuby__TodayCMRR__cCurrencyTotal contractual MRR contributed by this customer today.
Total TCVtotalTCVRuby__TotalTCV__cCurrencyTotal contract value of all active orders.


Represents a sales opportunity.


API NAME(This object only resides in Salesforce)


The following table outlines all fields of the Opportunity object.  
Account NameAccountIdLookup(Customer)ID of the customer account.
AmountAmountcurrencyEstimated total sale amount. For opportunities with products, the amount is the sum of the related products.
Close DateCloseDatedateDate when the opportunity is expected to close.
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(UserProfile)Created-by user.
Created DateCreatedDatedateTimeCreated date.
DescriptionDescriptionlongTextText description of the opportunity product. Limit is 80 characters.
DiscountRuby__Discount__cpercentageThe aggregated discretional discount (in percentage) applied to the line items.
Discount AmountRuby__DiscountAmount__ccurrencyThe total discretional discount amount aggregated from all line items.
End DateRuby__SubscriptionEndDate__cdateThe end date of recurring products or services in this opportunity, which is defaulted to the Start Date plus the term (in Month).
Expected RevenueExpectedRevenuecurrencyRead-only field that is equal to the product of the opportunity Amount field and the Probability. You can’t directly set this field, but you can indirectly set it by setting the Amount or Probability fields.
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(UserProfile)Last modified by user.
Last Modified DateLastModifiedDatedateTimeLast modified date.
Opportunity NameNametextThe opportunity name.
Opportunity OwnerOwnerIdLookup(UserProfile)ID of the User who has been assigned to work this opportunity.
Opportunity Record TypeRecordTypeIdpicklistRecord type of opportunity
Price BookPricebook2IdLookup(PriceBook)ID of the price book that applies to this opportunity.
Primary QuoteRuby__PrimaryQuote__cLookup(Quote)ID of the primary quote of this opportunity.
Propability (%)Propabilitypercentpercent of estimated confidence in closing the opportunity.
Record Type textName of the record type.
StageStageNamepicklistName of the current opportunity stage.
Start DateRuby__SubscriptionStartDate__cdateThe start date of the products or services of the opportunity
Subscription TermRuby__SubscriptionTerm__cNumber(5, 11)The length of the subscription.
System DiscountRuby__SystemDiscount__cpercentThe system discount percentage.
System Discount AmountRuby__SystemDiscountAmount__ccurrencyThe total system discount amount aggregated from all line items.
SubtotalRuby__Subtotal__cCurrency(15, 3)The total sub-total aggregated from of all line items.  
Total PriceRuby__TotalPrice__ccurrencyThe total price aggregated from all line items.
TaxRuby__Tax__cCurrencyThe total tax amount from all line items.
TypeTypepicklistType of opportunity. For example, Existing Business or New Business.

Opportunity Product

Represents a product or service you sell in a sales opportunity.


API NAME(This object only resides in Salesforce)


The following table outlines all fields of the Opportunity Product object.  



Please note that Nue creates the following custom fields that hold Nue's pricing calculation logic to replace Salesforce's standard fields with the same name: 

  • Discount
    • Salesforce standard field: Discount
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Discount__c
  • Sales Price
    • Salesforce standard field: UnitPrice
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__SalesPrice__c
  • Subtotal
    • Salesforce standard field: Subtotal
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Subtotal__c
  • Total Price
    • Salesforce standard field: TotalPrice
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__TotalPrice__c
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(UserProfile)Created-by user.
Created DateCreatedDateDate TimeCreated Date.

The Currency used for the products or services in the deal.


This field is available only when Multi Currency is enabled in the Salesforce Org.

Delta ACVRuby__DeltaACV__cCurrencyAnnual Contractual Value of this line item.
Delta ARRRuby__DeltaARR__cCurrencyContractual Annual Recurring Revenue, effective in between Start Date and End Date of this line item.
Delta CMRRRuby__DeltaCMRR__cCurrencyContractual Monthly Recurring Revenue, effective in between Start Date and End Date of this line item.
Delta TCVRuby__DeltaTCV__cCurrencyTotal Contractual Value of this line item.
Line DescriptionDescriptionText(80)Text description of the opportunity line item. Limit: 80 characters.
DiscountRuby__Discount__cPercentageageThe discretional discount (in percentage) applied to this line item.
Discount AmountRuby__DiscountAmount__cCurrencyThe discretional discount amount applied to the line item.
End DateRuby__SubscriptionEndDate__cDateThe end Date of recurring products or services of this line item.
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(UserProfile)Last modified by user.
Last Modified DateLastModifiedDateDate TimeLast modified Date.
List PriceLIstPriceCurrencyCorresponds to the UnitPrice on the PricebookEntry that is associated with this line item, which can be in the standard price book or a custom price book.
Net Sales PriceRuby__NetSalesPrice__cCurrencyThe net sales price after the discretional discount is applied.
Opportunity Product NameNameTextThe opportunity line item name.
OpportunityOpportunityIdLookup(Opportunity)The opportunity ID.
Primary Quote LineRuby__PrimaryQuoteLine__cLookup(QuoteLineItem)The primary quote line ID. Null if this opportunity does not have a primary quote.
ProductProduct2IdLookup(Product)The product ID.
Product CodeProductCodeTextThe product code.
Product SKURuby__ProductSKU__cTextThe product SKU that must be unique across products.
QuantityQuantityDecimalThe product quantity.
Start DateRuby__SubscriptionStartDate__cDateThe start Date of the product or service of this line item, which is defaulted to the Opportunity Start Date, but can be upDated for different line items.
Sales PriceRuby__SalesPrice__cCurrencyThe sales price of the product before the discretionary discount. It is calculated as Subtotal / Quantity / Subscription Term for products with a recurring revenue model, otherwise it is calculated as Subtotal / Quantity.
Subscription TermRuby__SubscriptionTerm__cDecimalThe subscription term of the recurring product or service of this line item, measured by UOM. Default value is 1 for a One-Time product; 1 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Year; 12 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Month.
SubtotalRuby__Subtotal__cCurrencyThe actual system-defined price, taking all layers of price tags into consideration.
System DiscountRuby__SystemDiscount__cPercentageageThe system discount Percentageage resulted from applying all layers of price tags.
System Discount AmountRuby__SystemDiscountAmount__cCurrencyThe system discount amount resulted from applying all layers of price tags.
Total AmountRuby__TotalAmount__cCurrencyThe total amount of the line item, including tax amount.
Total PriceRuby__TotalPrice__cCurrencyThe total price of the line item, not including tax amount.
Unit of MeasureRuby__UOM__cLookup(UOM)References the UOM of the product selected in this line.


Represents proposed prices, quantities and terms of products or services you sell in a sales deal.

API NAME(This object only resides in Salesforce)


The following table outlines all fields of the Quote object.  
Account NameAccountIdLookup(Account)ID of the account that’s associated with the quote.
ActionsRuby__Actions__cFormula (Text)Edit Lines action that can be added to the List View of a quote.
ACVRuby__AnnualContractValue__cFormula (Currency)The total ACV aggregated from all quote line items.
Auto RenewRuby__AutoRenew__cCheckboxIndicates if recurring line items in this quote will be auto-renewed by default.

Billing Address



Read-only, compound form of the billing address.  (It is an Address Compound Field).

Billing City



City for the Order’s billing address.  Up to 50 characters are allowed.

Billing County



Country for the Order's billing address. Up to 80 characters are allowed.

Billing Country Code



ISO country code for the Order’s billing address.

Billing Latitude



Used with BillingLongitude to specify the precise geolocation of a billing address. Acceptable values are numbers between –90 and 90 with up to 15 decimal places.

Billing Longitude



Used with BillingLatitude to specify the precise geolocation of a billing address. Acceptable values are numbers between –180 and 180 with up to 15 decimal places.

Billing Name



Entity that the Order is billed to.

Billing Postal Code



Postal code for the Order’s billing address.

Billing State



State for the Order’s billing address.  Up to 80 characters are allowed.

Billing State Code



ISO state code for the Order’s billing address.

Billing Street


Text Area

Street name for the Order's billing address.

Currency ISO CodeCurrencyISOCodePicklist

Available only for organizations with the multicurrency feature enabled. Contains the ISO code for any currency allowed by the organization.


If the organization has multicurrency and a Pricebook2Id specified on the quote, then the currency value of this field must match the currency of the PricebookEntry objects that are associated with any quote line items it has.

This value is copied from the related Opportunity and can't be changed.

Contact NameContactIdLookup(Contact)ID of the contract associated with this quote. 
ContractContractIdLookup(Contract)ID for the contract associated with the quote.
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(User)Created by user.
Created DateCreatedDateDateCreated date.
DescriptionDescriptionLong Text Area(32000)The quote description.
Discount %Ruby__Discount__cPercent(7, 5)

The discount (in percentage)  that Sales Rep applies to the line item.  You can enter a number with or without the percent symbol.  You can use up to two decimal places. 


We also call this ‘on-the-fly’ discount.  This discount amount triggers the recalculation of the discount.  


This is replacing the standard, non-editable Discount standard field.

Discount AmountRuby__DiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The discount amount, which is calculated as Discount * Subtotal / 100. 
EmailEmailEmailThe Email.
End DateRuby__SubscriptionEndDate__cDate

The End Date, which is defaulted to the Start Date plus the Term (in Month or Year).


If the End Date is updated, the Term and Subscription Term are both re-calculated accordingly.

Expiration DateExpirationDateDateThe date when this quote is no longer valid.
FaxFaxFaxThe Fax number
Is Custom Calculation NeededRuby__IsCustomCalculationNeeded__cBoolean

Indicates if custom backend price calculations are needed for this quote.  


If this value is set to True (typically by a custom flow), when the user clicks ‘Quick Save’ on the Line Editor, the Line Editor will wait for the value of this field to turn back to False.


This field is only available in Salesforce.

Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)Last modified user.
Last Modified DateLastModifiedDateDateLast modified date.
Line ItemsLineItemCountRoll-Up Summary (COUNT Quote Line Item)The total number of line items.
List TotalRuby__ListTotal__cCurrency(15, 3)The total list price, aggregated from quote line items.
Make this a template quoteRuby__Is_Template_Quote__cCheckbox

Indicates if this quote is a template quote.  A quote can be created from a template quote. 

Opportunity NameOpportunityIdMaster-Detail(Opportunity)References the opportunity.  
Owner NameOwnerIdLookup(User,Group)The quote owner, which defaults from the opportunity owner.
Payment MethodRuby__PaymentMethod__cPicklistThe payment method used for this quote. 
Payment MethodsRuby__PaymentMethods__cPicklist(Multi-Select)The payment methods used for this quote if multiple payment methods are allowed. 
Payment TermRuby__PaymentTerm__cPicklist

The payment term.  Available values include: 

  • Due upon receipt
  • Net 15
  • Net 30
  • Net 45
  • Net 60
PhonePhonePhoneThe phone number.
Price BookPriceBook2IdLookup(PriceBook2)References the price book used for this quote.  Required.
Primary QuoteRuby__IsPrimaryQuote__cCheckboxIndicates if this quote is a primary quote. The primary quote can be synchronized with the opportunity.
Quote NameNameText(255)Required. Name for the quote. Limit: 225 characters.
Quote NumberQuoteNumberAuto NumberA system-generated number that identifies the quote.
Quote ToQuoteToAddressAddressQuote-to Address
Quote To NameQuoteToNameText(255)Quote-to Name
Same as Bill To ContactRuby__IsShipToContactSameAsBillToContact__cCheckboxIndicates if Ship-to Contact is the same as Bill-to Contact.
Same as Billing AddressRuby__IsQuoteAddressSameAsBilling__cCheckboxIndicates if Quote-to Address is the same as Bill-to Address.
Same as Billing AddressRuby__IsShippingAddressSameAsBilling__cCheckboxIndicates if Shipping Address is the same as Billing Address.
Ship ToShippingAddressAddressShipping address.
Ship To ContactRuby__ShipToContact__cLookup(Contact)Ship-to contact.
Ship To NameShippingNameText(255)Ship-to Name
Shipping and HandlingShippingHandlingCurrency(16, 2)Shipping and Handling Cost.
Start DateRuby__SubscriptionStartDate__cDateThe Start Date, which is defaulted to the Quote Start Date, but can be updated for different quote lines.

The status of the quote.


The standard options are: Draft, Needs Review, In Review, Approved, Rejected, Presented, Accepted, Denied.

Subscription TermRuby__SubscriptionTerm__cNumber(5, 11)

The subscription term measured by UOM. 


Default value is 1 for a One-Time product;

1 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Year; 12 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Month. 

Subscription Term DimensionRuby__SubscriptionTermDimension__cPicklistThe subscription term dimension.  Available values are: Month, Year.

The subtotal aggregated from all line items.  


The subtotal is calculated as List Total subtracted by System Discount Amount.

System DiscountRuby__SystemDiscount__cPercent(7, 5)

The aggregated system discount percentage that is applied to each line item. 


This is a Nue-specific field.  For example, the List Price of Product A in the selected price book is $10.  Assuming there is a Discount Tag offering 10% discount if over 10 units are purchased, the System Discount will be 10% if the Selected Quantity is 11 and above.

System Discount AmountRuby__SystemDiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The total system discount amount of all line items.
TaxTaxCurrency(16, 2)The total tax amounts of the quote, aggregated from the tax amount all quote line items.
TCVRuby__TCV__cRoll-Up Summary (SUM Quote Line Item)The total TCV aggregated from all quote line items.
Template QuoteRuby__Template_Quote__cLookup(Quote)References the template quote where this quote is copied from.
Today's ARRRuby__TodayARR__cCurrency(15, 3)Today's ARR contributed from all recurring line items of this quote.
Today's CMRRRuby__TodayCMRR__cCurrency(15, 3)Today's CMRR contributed from all recurring line items of this quote.
Total AmountRuby__TotalAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)Total amount aggregated from the total amount of all quote line items.
Total PriceRuby__TotalPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)Total price aggregated from the total price of all quote line items.



Pricing Fields

Nue creates the following custom fields that hold Nue's pricing calculation logic to replace Salesforce's standard fields with the same name: 

  • Discount
    • Salesforce standard field: Discount
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Discount__c
  • Subtotal
    • Salesforce standard field: Subtotal
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Subtotal__c
  • Total Price
    • Salesforce standard field: TotalPrice
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__TotalPrice__c

Nue also replaces Grant Total field with Total Amount (Ruby__TotalAmount__c) field representing the total amount of the quote, which includes taxes.


The following pricing fields are aggregated from quote line items with line types in LineItem and RampItem only.  Quote line items with line type in SummaryItem and SplitItem are excluded from the aggregation. 

  • Discount, Discount Amount, System Discount, System Discount Amount, Subtotal, Total Price, Tax, Total Amount, Today's ARR, Today's CMRR, Total TCV. 

Is Syncing Field

Nue replaces Is Syncing standard field with Primay Quote field to indicate if the quote can be synchronized with the opportunity.  Nue only syncs quote line items with line type in LineItem and RampItem to the opportunity as opportunity products.  


CAUTION Do not use these 2 fields ("Is Syncing", "Primary Quote") together.  Otherwise it would create an infinite triggering conditions in Salesforce.  

Quote Line Item

Represents the proposed price, quantity and term of a product or service included in a quote.


API NAME(This object only resides in Salesforce)


The following table outlines all fields of the Quote Line Item object.  
Actual QuantityRuby__ActualQuantity__cNumber(15, 3)The actual quantity of the product used for price calculation. 
Actual TermRuby__ActualSubscriptionTerm__cNumber(5, 11)The subscription term measured by Month.  Default value is 1 for a One-Time product, and 12 for a recurring product.  
Auto RenewRuby__AutoRenew__cCheckbox

Indicates if this recurring line item will be auto-renewed. The default value is inherited from that of Product, but can be changed at operational time.

Billing PeriodRuby__BillingPeriod__cPicklist

Also known as Billing Cycle or Billing Frequency, which determines how often the customers will be billed, for example, monthly, quarterly, annual, etc. 


Available values include: 

  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual

If left empty, the billing period of the line item will be defaulted from the value set for the customer, or the value set at the organization level.

Billing TimingRuby__BillingTiming__cPicklist

Determines whether customers are billed for the products or services before or after they are provided or consumed. 


Available values include: 

  • In Advance
  • In Arrears

If left empty, the billing timing will default from the value set at the product level, or the value set at the organization level.

Cancellation DateRuby__CancellationDate__cDateIndicates the cancellation date of the subscription, if this line item is of Recurring object model. 
Change Asset IdRuby__ChangeAssetId__cText(80)

The unique identifier of the assets in the general term (which include subscriptions, assets and entitlements) that this line item is making changes for. This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.  


In Nue, subscriptions, assets and entitlements are versioned.  So Change Asset Id is constructed as the Asset Name concatenated with the Asset Version. 


For example, the following is a Change Asset ID of a subscription: SUB-000708_1

Change Asset TypeRuby__ChangeAssetType__cPicklist

The type of assets being changed by this line item.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.  


Available values include: 

  • Asset
  • Subscription
  • Entitlement
Change Reference ItemRuby__ChangeReferenceOrderItem__cLookup(Order Product)References the order product this line item is making a reduction change for.  A reduction change refers to a change that introduces a negative ARR, e.g., a quantity reduction, a term reduction or a subscription cancellation.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.   
Change TypeRuby__ChangeType__cPicklist

The type of the change.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.  


Available values include: 

  • Renew Subscription
  • New Product 
  • Update Quantity
  • Update Term
  • Co-term
  • Cancel
  • Reconfigure
  • Co-term for Evergreen
  • Update Term for Evergreen

When Is Change is false, the Change Type field is NULL.

Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(User)Created by user.  
Created DateCreatedDateDateCreated date. 
Delta ACVRuby__DeltaACV__cCurrency(15, 3)

The change in Annual Contractual Value of this line item.  


  • If the product has a Recurring, Usage or Credit Burndown model, it is equal to Delta ARR.
  • If the product has a One-time or Credit product model, it is equal to Total Price of this line.
Delta ARRRuby__DeltaARR__cCurrency(15, 3)

The change in Annual Recurring Revenue of this line item, effective in between the Start Date and End Date of this line item.  The value is NULl if the line item is of One Time revenue model.

Delta CMRRRuby__DeltaCMRR__cCurrency(15, 3)The change in Contractual Monthly Recurring Revenue of this line item, effective in between the Start Date and End Date of this line item.  The value is NULL if the line item is of One Time revenue model. 
Delta TCVRuby__DeltaTCV__cCurrency(15, 3)The change in Total Contractual Value of this line item.  The value is NULL if the this line item is an evergreen subscription. 
Discount %Ruby__Discount__cPercent(7, 5)

The discount percentage that the sales user applies to the line item.  It's all called "on-the-fly", or discretionary discount. 

Discount AmountRuby__DiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)

The discount dollar amount.  Discount Amount and Discount % can be calculated from each other. 

End DateRuby__SubscriptionEndDate__cDate

The End Date, which is defaulted to the Start Date plus the Term (in Month).


If the End Date is updated, the Term and Subscription Term are both re-calculated accordingly.

Included UnitsRuby__IncludedUnits__cNumber(10, 2)The units included for free for this line item. 
Is ChangeRuby__IsChange__cCheckboxIndicates if this line item is a Change Line that contains changes to an existing subscription, asset or entitlement.   
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)Last modified by user. 
Last Modified DateLastModifiedDateDateLast modified date. 
Line BucketRuby__LineBucket__cLookup(Line Bucket)

References to the associated Line Bucket. 


A quote can be split into multiple line buckets, and one or more line items can be added to a line bucket.  Please refer to Quote and Order Split article for more details.

Line Item DescriptionDescriptionText(255)The line item description. 
Line Item NumberLineNumberAuto NumberThe auto-numbered line item number. 
Line TypeRuby__LineType__cPicklist

Indicates the type of the line item.  


Available values include: 

  • Product (LineItem): Represents a regular product line item.
  • Ramp (RampItem): Represents a subscription ramp line item.  
  • Summary Item (SummaryItem): Represents a summary line item.
  • Split Item (SplitItem): Represents a split line item. 

To gain a better understanding of the various line types, please consult this article: Understanding Line Types.

List PriceRuby__ListPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)Corresponds to the UnitPrice on the PricebookEntry that is associated with this line item, which can be in the standard price book or a custom price book.  
List TotalRuby__ListTotalPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)The List Price multiplied by the quantity and the subscription term (if the product is not a one-time product). 
Lifecycle Start DatelifecycleStartDateRuby__LifecycleStartDate__cDateThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.
Lifecycle End DatelifecycleEndDateRuby__LIfecycleEndDate__cDateThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.  If it is null, the credit will not expire.
MilestonesRuby__Milestones__cLong Text Area(32000)

If the LIne Type is Summary Line, this field contains a JSON representation of the definition of all service milestones.  


If the Line Type is Ramp, this field contains the name of the milestone.  

Net Sales PriceRuby__NetSalesPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)The net sales price of the product before any price tags and the discretionary discount are applied. It is calculated as Total Price divided by Quantity, then divided by Subscription Term for products with a Recurring, Overage Usage or Credit Burndown revenue model, otherwise it is calculated as Subtotal divided by Quantity. 
Opportunity Line ItemRuby__OpportunityLineItem__cLookup(Opportunity Product)References to the associated opportunity product.  This field is populated when a primary quote is synchornized to the opportunity, and each quote line item is copied into an opportunity product.   
Parent Quote LineRuby__ParentId__cLookup(Quote Line Item)References to the parent quote line item, which is the parent line item in the bundle hierarchy.   
Price Book Entry PriceBookEntryIdLookup(Price Book Entry)References the price book entry used as list price for this line item. 
ProductProduct2IdLookup(Product)References the product.   
Product NameRuby__ProductName__cFormula (Text)The product name. 
Product OptionRuby__ProductOption__cLookup(Product Option)References to the associated product option, if this line item is a bundled or add-on line item of a bundle product line. 
Product Option QuantityRuby__ProductOptionQuantity__cNumber(15, 3)

References to the quantity of the associated product option, if this line item is a bundled or add-on line item of a bundle product line. 


The value of this field defaults to the quantity of the product option at design time.  However, the user may enter a different value if the product option is editable.

QuantityQuantityNumber(10, 2)The quantity of the line item. 
Quote NameQuoteIdMaster-Detail(Quote)References the quote.   
Reconfigure Effective DateRuby__ReconfigureEffectiveDate__cDateIndicates the date when a bundle product is reconfigured.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true, and Change Type is Reconfigure. 
Renewal TermRuby__DefaultRenewalTerm__cNumber(5, 11)The length of the renewal term, measured in the term dimesion of the associated UOM, e.g., Month, Year. 
Root Quote LineRuby__RootId__cLookup(Quote Line Item)References the root line item, if the line item is in a bundle hierarchiy.  
Sales PriceRuby__SalesPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)The sales price of the product before the discretionary discount is applied. It is calculated as Subtotal divided by Quantity, then divided by Subscription Term for products with a recurring revenue model, otherwise it is calculated as Subtotal divided by Quantity. 
Sort OrderRuby__SortOrder__cNumber(18, 0)The sort order of the line item.  The sort order is used for displaying the line items in the Line Editor. 
Split ParentRuby__SplitParent__cLookup(Quote Line Item)Reference the parent line item of the split line. This field is populated when a single line item is split into 2 or more split lines. 
Start DateRuby__SubscriptionStartDate__cDateThe Start Date, which is defaulted to the Start Date on the header, but can be updated for different line items. 
Subscription TermRuby__SubscriptionTerm__cNumber(5, 11)The subscription term, measured in the term dimension of the associated UOM. 
SubtotalRuby__Subtotal__cCurrency(15, 3)The subtotal, which is calculated as List Total subtracted by System Discount Amount. 
Summary Line ItemRuby__SummaryLineItem__cLookup(Quote Line Item)References the summary line item, if this line item is a ramp line, or a change line item. 
System Discount %Ruby__SystemDiscount__cPercent(7, 5)The system discount percentage, which is the percentage of System Discount Amount over List Total. 
System Discount AmountRuby__SystemDiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The system discount amount, which results from applying all applicable of price tags. 
Tax AmountRuby__TaxAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The tax amount, calculated from the tax code of the product, if the product is taxable. 
Total AmountRuby__TotalAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The total amount of the line item, which is the Total Price plus the Tax Amount. 
Total PriceRuby__TotalPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)The total price of the line item, which is equal to the Total subtracted by System Discount Amount and Discount Amount. 
Unit of MeasureRuby__Uom__cLookup(UOM)The Unit of Measure of this line item. 



Pricing Fields

Nue creates the following custom fields that hold Nue's pricing calculation logic to replace Salesforce's standard fields with the same name: 

  • Discount
    • Salesforce standard field: Discount
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Discount__c
  • Subtotal
    • Salesforce standard field: Subtotal
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Subtotal__c
  • Total Price
    • Salesforce standard field: TotalPrice
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__TotalPrice__c

Line Bucket

Represents a set of quote line items or order products bucketed together for a purpose. 


API NAME(This object only resides in Salesforce)


The following table outlines all fields of the Line Bucket object.  
ACVRuby__ACV__cCurrency(15, 3)Total Annual Contractual Value (ACV) of all line items in the bucket.
Bill To CityRuby__BillingCity__cText(40)The bill-to city. 
Bill To CountryRuby__BillingCountry__cText(80)The bill-to country.
Bill To Postal CodeRuby__BillingPostalCode__cText(20)The bill-to postal code.
Bill To StateRuby__BillingState__cText(80)The bill-to state.
Bill To StreetRuby__BillingStreet__cText(255)The bill-to street.
Billing AccountRuby__BillingAccount__cLookup(Account)References to the billing account of this line bucket.  By default, it is the same as the account of the associated quote or order. 
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(User)Created-by user.
Created DateCreatedDateDateCreated date.
Discount AmountRuby__DiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The total discount amount of all lines in the line bucket.
Is Default BucketRuby__IsDefaultBucket__cCheckboxIndicates if this line bucket is the default bucket.  When the user navigates to the Split Lines page of the quote or order flow, a default line bucket is created.  
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)Last modified user.
Last Modified DateLastModifiedDateDateLast modified date.
Line Bucket NameNameText(80)The name of the line bucket.
List TotalRuby__ListTotal__cCurrency(15, 3)The total list price of all lines in the line bucket.
OrderRuby__Order__cLookup(Order)References the order if this line bucket is split from an order.
OwnerOwnerIdLookup(User,Group)The owner of the line bucket.
Primary ContactRuby__PrimaryContact__cLookup(Contact)References the primary contact.
QuoteRuby__Quote__cLookup(Quote)References the quote if this line bucket is split from a quote.
Ship To CityRuby__ShippingCity__cText(40)The ship-to city.
Ship To CountryRuby__ShippingCountry__cText(80)The ship-to country.
Ship To Postal CodeRuby__ShippingPostalCode__cText(20)The ship-to postal code.
Ship To StateRuby__ShippingState__cText(80)The ship-to state.
Ship To StreetRuby__ShippingStreet__cText(255)The ship-to street.
Start DateRuby__StartDate__cDateThe start date of the line bucket.
SubtotalRuby__Subtotal__cCurrency(15, 3)The subtotal aggregated from all line items in the line bucket.
System Discount AmountRuby__SystemDiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The total system discount amount of all line items in the line bucket.
Tax AmountRuby__TaxAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The total tax amount of all line items in the line bucket.
TCVRuby__TCV__cCurrency(15, 3)The total Total Contractual Value (TCV) of all line items in the line bucket.
Total AmountRuby__TotalAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The aggregated total amount from all line items in the line bucket.
Total PriceRuby__TotalPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)The aggregated total price from all line items in the line bucket.


Represents a booking transaction between a company and a customer to provision services or deliver products with contracted quantities, prices, and terms.


The Order object and Quote object share a similar set of fields. A quote serves as a preliminary order, whereas an order, upon activation, becomes a confirmed booking transaction. When a quote is finalized into an order, the fields in the quote are copied over to the corresponding fields in the order, using the same API names. Additionally, administrators have the flexibility to configure additional field mappings between the quote and order objects. To configure Quote and Order fields mapping, admin users can login to Nue App, and navigate to System Settings → Quotes and Orders → Quote and Order Attribute Mappings. 


Active orders are transfered to Nue for billing, collections, and revenue recognition.




The following table outlines all fields of the Order object.  
Account Name / CustomnercustomerAccountIdLookup(Account)ID of the account that’s associated with the quote.
Account Number AccountNumberText(40)The account number.  
Actions Ruby__Actions__cFormula (Text)Edit Lines action that can be added to the List View of a quote.
Activated ByactivatedByIdActivatedByIdLookup(UserProfile)The user who activated the order.
ActivatedDateactivatedDateActivatedDateDateTimeThe activated date of the order, also seen as the transaction date of the booking transaction.
ACVorderACVRuby__AnnualContractValue__cFormula (Currency)The total ACV aggregated from all quote line items.
Auto Renew Ruby__AutoRenew__cCheckboxIndicates if recurring line items in this order will be auto-renewed by default.
Bill Cycle DaybillCycleDayRuby__BillCycleDay__cPicklist

Determines when the order will be billed, for example, 1st of the month. The invoice will then be prorated based on this date. 


Available values include: 

  • 1st of Month
  • 2nd of Month
  • .....
  • 30th of Month
  • 31st of Month

The "31st of Month" option can be used to signify the final day of the month, irrespective of the actual number of days in that particular month.

Billing PeriodbillingPeriodRuby__BillingPeriod__cPicklist

Also known as Billing Cycle or Billing Frequency, which determines how often the customers will be billed, for example, monthly, quarterly, annual, etc. 


Available values include: 

  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual

If left empty, the billing period of the order will be defaulted from the value set for the customer, or the value set at the organization level.

Billing Address




Read-only, compound form of the billing address.  (It is an Address Compound Field).

Billing City




City for the Order’s billing address.  Up to 50 characters are allowed.

Billing County




Country for the Order's billing address. Up to 80 characters are allowed.

Billing Country Code




ISO country code for the Order’s billing address.

Billing Latitude




Used with BillingLongitude to specify the precise geolocation of a billing address. Acceptable values are numbers between –90 and 90 with up to 15 decimal places.

Billing Longitude




Used with BillingLatitude to specify the precise geolocation of a billing address. Acceptable values are numbers between –180 and 180 with up to 15 decimal places.

Billing Postal Code




Postal code for the Order’s billing address.

Billing State




State for the Order’s billing address.  Up to 80 characters are allowed.

Billing State Code




ISO state code for the Order’s billing address.

Billing Street



Text Area

Street name for the Order's billing address.

Currency ISO CodecurrencyISOCodeCurrencyISOCodePicklist

Available only for organizations with the multicurrency feature enabled. Contains the ISO code for any currency allowed by the organization.


If the organization has multicurrency and a Pricebook2Id specified on the order, then the currency value of this field must match the currency of the PricebookEntry objects that are associated with any quote line items it has.

This value is copied from the related Opportunity and can't be changed.

Bill to ContactbillToContactIdBillToContactIdLookup(Contact)References the bill-to contact.
Company Authorized BycompanyAuthorizedByIdCompanyAuthorizedById Lookup(User)ID of the user who authorized the account associated with the order.. 
Company Authorized DatecompanyAuthorizedDateCompanyAuthorizedDateDateThe date on which your organization authorized the order.
Created BycreatedByCreatedByIdLookup(User)Created by user.
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateDateCreated Date
Customer Authorized BycustomerAuthorizedByIdCustomerAuthorizedByIdLookup (Contact)Date on which the contact authorized the order.
Customer Authorized DatecustomerAuthorizedDateCustomerAuthorizedDateDate ID of the contact who authorized the order.
Discount %discountRuby__Discount__cPercent(7, 5)

The discount (in percentage)  that Sales Rep applies to the line item.  You can enter a number with or without the percent symbol.  You can use up to two decimal places. 


We also call this ‘on-the-fly’ discount.  This discount amount triggers the recalculation of the discount.  


This is replacing the standard, non-editable Discount standard field.

Discount AmountdiscountAmountRuby__DiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The discount amount, which is calculated as Discount * Subtotal / 100. 
End DateendDateRuby__SubscriptionEndDate__cDate

The End Date, which is defaulted to the Start Date plus the Term (in Month or Year).


If the End Date is updated, the Term and Subscription Term are both re-calculated accordingly.

External ID Ruby__ExternalId__cText(100) Reserved to use to store external ID.
Is Custom Calculation NeededRuby__IsCustomCalculationNeeded__cBoolean

Indicates if custom backend price calculations are needed for this quote.  


If this value is set to True (typically by a custom flow), when the user clicks ‘Quick Save’ on the Line Editor, the Line Editor will wait for the value of this field to turn back to False.


This field is only available in Salesforce.

Is Split Ruby__IsSplit__cBooleanIndicates if this order is also split into child orders.
Grand TotalgrandTotalRuby__GrandTotal__cCurrency(15,3)The grand total, including total amount plus shipping and handling.
Last Modified BylastModifiedByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)Last modified user.
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateDateLast modified date.
Line Bucket Ruby__LineBucket__cLookup(Line Bucket)

References the line bucket where this order is finalized from. 


When a quote is split into multiple line bucket, each line bucket can be finalized into an individual order.  

List TotallistTotalRuby__ListTotal__cCurrency(15, 3)The total list price, aggregated from quote line items.
OpportunityopportunityIdOpportunityIdMaster-Detail(Opportunity)References the opportunity associated to this order.
Order OwnerownerIdOwnerIdLookup(User, Group)The order owner, which defaults from the quote owner.
Order Placed DateorderPlacedDateRuby__OrderPlacedDate__cDateThe date when the order is placed or activated.
Order Reference NumberorderReferenceNumberOrderReferenceNumberText(80)Order reference number assigned to this order. Maximum size is 80 characters.
Order Start DateorderStartDateEffectiveDateDateThe order start date, which defaults from the quote start date.
Order End DateendDateEndDateDate 

The order end date, which defaults from the quote end date.

Order TypeorderTypeTypePicklist

The type of an order, which is fully customizable.

Payment MethodpaymentMethodRuby__PaymentMethod__cPicklistThe payment method used for this order. 
Payment MethodspaymentMethodsRuby__PaymentMethods__cPicklist(Multi-Select)The payment methods used for this order if multiple payment methods are allowed.
Payment Term Ruby__PaymentTerm__cPicklist

The payment term.  Available values include: 

  • Due upon receipt
  • Net 15
  • Net 30
  • Net 45
  • Net 60
PO DatepoDatePoDateDateDate of the purchase order.
PO NumberpoNumberPoNumberText(80)Number identifying the purchase order. Maximum is 80.
Price BookpriceBookIdPricebook2IdLookup(Pricebook)References the price book associated withis this order.  Required.
Quote  QuoteIdLookup(Quote)References the quote where this order finalizes from.
Same as Bill To Contact Ruby__IsShipToContactSameAsBillToContact__cCheckboxIndicates if Ship-to Contact is the same as Bill-to Contact.
Same as Billing AddressisShippingAddressSameAsBillingRuby__IsShippingAddressSameAsBilling__cCheckboxIndicates if Shipping Address is the same as Billing Address.
Shipping AddressshippingAddressShippingAddressAddressShipping address.
Ship To ContactshipToContactIdShipToContactIdLookup(Contact)Ship-to contact.
Shipping and HandlingshippingAndHandlingRuby__ShippingHandling__cCurrency(16, 2)Shipping and Handling Cost.
Start DatesubscriptionStartDateRuby__SubscriptionStartDate__cDateThe Start Date, which is defaulted from the Quote Start Date, but can be updated for different order products.

The status of the order.


The available values include: 

  • Draft
  • Activated
  • Canceled
Subscription TermsubscriptionTermRuby__SubscriptionTerm__cNumber(5, 11)

The subscription term measured by UOM. 


Default value is 1 for a One-Time product;

1 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Year; 12 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Month. 

Subscription Term Dimension Ruby__SubscriptionTermDimension__cPicklistThe subscription term dimension.  Available values are: Month, Year.

The subtotal aggregated from subtotal of all lines.


Subtotal is calculated as List Total subtracted by the system discount amount.

System DiscountsystemDiscountRuby__SystemDiscount__cPercent(7, 5)

The aggregated system discount percentage that is applied to each line item. 


This is a Nue-specific field.  For example, the List Price of Product A in the selected price book is $10.  Assuming there is a Discount Tag offering 10% discount if over 10 units are purchased, the System Discount will be 10% if the Selected Quantity is 11 and above.

System Discount AmountsystemDiscountAmountRuby__SystemDiscountAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)The total system discount amount of all line items.
TaxtaxTaxCurrency(16, 2)The total tax amounts of the quote, aggregated from the tax amount all quote line items.
TCV Ruby__TCV__cRoll-Up Summary (SUM Quote Line Item)The total TCV aggregated from all quote line items.
Today's ARR Ruby__TodayARR__cCurrency(15, 3)Today's ARR contributed from all recurring line items of this quote.
Today's CMRR Ruby__TodayCMRR__cCurrency(15, 3)Today's CMRR contributed from all recurring line items of this quote.
Total AmounttotalAmountRuby__TotalAmount__cCurrency(15, 3)Total amount aggregated from the total amount of all quote line items.
Total PricetotalPriceRuby__TotalPrice__cCurrency(15, 3)Total price aggregated from the total price of all quote line items.



Pricing Fields

Nue creates the following custom fields that hold Nue's pricing calculation logic to replace Salesforce's standard fields with the same name: 

  • Discount
    • Salesforce standard field: Discount
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Discount__c
  • Subtotal
    • Salesforce standard field: Subtotal
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__Subtotal__c
  • Total Price
    • Salesforce standard field: TotalPrice
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__TotalPrice__c
  • Order Amount
    • Salesforce standard field: TotalAmount
    • Nue custom field: Ruby__TotalAmount__c

Deprecated Salesforce Order Fields

Nue does not use the following standard fields in the Salesforce Order object: Original Order, Reduction Order.  

Order Product

Represents the price, quantity, and subscription term of a contracted product or service in an order.


API NAMEOrderProduct


The following table outlines all fields of the Order object.  



Account IdaccountId IDReferences the ID of the customer
Actual QuantityactualQuantityRuby__ActualQuantity__cDecimalThe actual quantity of the product used for price calculation.
Actual Subscription Term (Term)actualSubscriptionTermRuby__ActualSubscriptionTerm__cDecimalThe subscription term measured by Month.  Default value is 1 for a One-Time product, and 12 for a recurring product. 
Asset NumberassetNumberRuby__AssetNumber__cText 
Asset TypeassetTypeRuby__AssetType__cPickList 
Auto RenewautoRenewRuby__AutoRenew__cBooleanIndicates if this recurring line item will be auto-renewed. The default value is inherited from that of Product, but can be changed at operational time.
Billing PeriodbillingPeriodRuby__BillingPeriod__cPickList

Also known as Billing Cycle or Billing Frequency, which determines how often the customers will be billed, for example, monthly, quarterly, annual, etc. 


Available values include: 

  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual

If left empty, the billing period of the line item will be defaulted from the value set for the customer, or the value set at the organization level.

Billing TimingbillingTimingRuby__BillingTiming__cPickList

Determines whether customers are billed for the products or services before or after they are provided or consumed. 


Available values include: 

  • In Advance
  • In Arrears

If left empty, the billing timing will default from the value set at the product level, or the value set at the organization level.

Cancellation DatecancellationDateRuby__CancellationDate__cDateIndicates the cancellation date of the subscription, if this line item is of Recurring object model.
Change Asset IdchangeAssetIdRuby__ChangeAssetId__cID

The unique identifier of the assets in the general term (which include subscriptions, assets and entitlements) that this line item is making changes for. This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.  


In Nue, subscriptions, assets and entitlements are versioned.  So Change Asset Id is constructed as the Asset Name concatenated with the Asset Version. 


For example, the following is a Change Asset ID of a subscription: SUB-000708_1

Change Asset TypechangeAssetTypeRuby__ChangeAssetType__cPickList

The type of assets being changed by this line item.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.  


Available values include: 

  • Asset
  • Subscription
  • Entitlement
Change Reference Item Ruby__ChangeReferenceOrderItem__cLookup (Order Product)

References the order product this line item is making a reduction change for.  A reduction change refers to a change that introduces a negative ARR, e.g., a quantity reduction, a term reduction or a subscription cancellation.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.

Change TypechangeTypeRuby__ChangeType__cPickList

The type of the change.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true.  


Available values include: 

  • Renew Subscription
  • New Product 
  • Update Quantity
  • Update Term
  • Co-term
  • Cancel
  • Reconfigure

When Is Change is false, the Change Type field is NULL.

Created BycreatedByIdCreatedByIdLookup (UserProfile)Created by user. 
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateDate TimeCreated date.

Contract Liability Segment




Accounting code of the contract liability segment.

Contract Revenue Segment




Accounting code of the contract revenue segment.

Carves Liability Segment




Accounting code of the carves liability segment.

Carves Revenue Segment




Accounting code of the carves revenue segment.

Customer Name Ruby__CustomerName__cFormula (Text)References the name of the associated account.
Default Renewal TermdefaultRenewalTermRuby__DefaultRenewalTerm__cDecimalThe length of the renewal term, measured in the term dimesion of the associated UOM, e.g., Month, Year.
Delta ACVdeltaACVRuby__DeltaACV__cCurrency

The change in Annual Contractual Value of this line item.  


  • If the product has a Recurring, Usage or Credit Burndown model, it is equal to Delta ARR.
  • If the product has a One-time or Credit product model, it is equal to Total Price of this line.
Delta ARRdeltaARRRuby__DeltaARR__cCurrencyThe change in Annual Recurring Revenue of this line item, effective in between the Start Date and End Date of this line item.  The value is NULl if the line item is of One Time revenue model.
Delta CMRRdeltaCMRRRuby__DeltaCMRR__cCurrencyThe change in Contractual Monthly Recurring Revenue of this line item, effective in between the Start Date and End Date of this line item.  The value is NULL if the line item is of One Time revenue model.
Delta TCVdeltaTCVRuby__DeltaTCV__cCurrencyThe change in Total Contractual Value of this line item.  The value is NULL if the this line item is an evergreen subscription.
DescriptiondescriptionDescriptionLong TextThe line item description.
DiscountdiscountRuby__Discount__cPercentThe discount percentage that the sales user applies to the line item.  It's all called "on-the-fly", or discretionary discount. 
Discount AmountdiscountAmountRuby__DiscountAmount__cCurrencyThe discount dollar amount.  Discount Amount and Discount % can be calculated from each other. 
End DateendDateEndDateDate

The End Date, which is defaulted to the Start Date plus the Term (in Month).


If the End Date is updated, the Term and Subscription Term are both re-calculated accordingly.

IdidIdIDThe record ID.
Included UnitsincludedUnitsRuby__IncludedUnits__cDecimalThe units included for free for this line item.
IsChangeisChangeRuby__IsChange__cBooleanIndicates if this line item is a Change Line that contains changes to an existing subscription, asset or entitlement.  
Last Modified BylastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdLookup (UserProfile)Last modified by user.
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateDate TimeLast modified date.
Line Bucket Ruby__LineBucket__cReference(LineBucket)

References to the associated Line Bucket. 


A quote can be split into multiple line buckets, and one or more line items can be added to a line bucket.  Please refer to Quote and Order Split article for more details.

Line TypelineTypeRuby__LineType__cPickList

Indicates the type of the line item.  


Available values include: 

  • Product (LineItem): Represents a regular product line item.
  • Ramp (RampItem): Represents a subscription ramp line item.  
  • Summary Item (SummaryItem): Represents a summary line item.
  • Split Item (SplitItem): Represents a split line item. 

For more information about line types, please refer to this article: Understanding Line Types.

List PricelistPriceRuby__ListPrice__cCurrencyCorresponds to the UnitPrice on the PricebookEntry that is associated with this line item, which can be in the standard price book or a custom price book. 
List Total PricelistTotalPriceRuby__ListTotalPrice__cCurrencyThe List Price multiplied by the quantity and the subscription term (if the product is not a one-time product).
Lifecycle Start DatelifecycleStartDateRuby__LifecycleStartDate__cDateThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.
Lifecycle End DatelifecycleEndDateRuby__LIfecycleEndDate__cDateThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.  If it is null, the credit will not expire.
MilestonesN/A (this field only exists in Salesforce)Ruby__Milestones__c

Long Text Area (32000)

If the LIne Type is Summary Line, this field contains a JSON representation of the definition of all service milestones.  


If the Line Type is Ramp, this field contains the name of the milestone.  

Net Sales PricenetSalesPriceRuby__NetSalesPrice__cCurrencyThe net sales price of the product before any price tags and the discretionary discount are applied. It is calculated as Total Price divided by Quantity, then divided by Subscription Term for products with a Recurring, Overage Usage or Credit Burndown revenue model, otherwise it is calculated as Subtotal divided by Quantity.
OrderorderIdOrderIdBMasterDetailReferences the order.  
Order Product NumbernameOrderItemNumberAutoNumberThe auto-numbered line item number.
Parent Order ProductparentOrderProductIdRuby__ParentId__cLookup (OrderProduct)References to the parent line item, which is the parent line item in the bundle hierarchy.  
Price BookpriceBookIdPricebookEntry.Pricebook2IdIDReferences the price book. 
PriceBook EntrypriceBookEntryIdPricebookEntryIdIDReferences the price book entry ID used for the list price of this line item.
ProductproductIdProduct2IdIDReferences the product.  
Product NameproductNameRuby__ProductName__cTextThe product name.
Product OptionproductOptionIdRuby__ProductOption__cIDReferences to the associated product option, if this line item is a bundled or add-on line item of a bundle product line.
Product Option QuantityproductOptionQuantityRuby__ProductOptionQuantity__cDecimal

References to the quantity of the associated product option, if this line item is a bundled or add-on line item of a bundle product line. 


The value of this field defaults to the quantity of the product option at design time.  However, the user may enter a different value if the product option is editable.

Quote Line Item QuoteLineItemIdLookup(Quote Line Item)References the associated quote line item
QuantityquantityQuantityDecimalThe quantity of the line item.
Reconfigure Effective Date Ruby__ReconfigureEffectiveDate__cDateIndicates the date when a bundle product is reconfigured.  This field is only meaningful when Is Change is true, and Change Type is Reconfigure.
Revenue Contract IDrevenueContractIdRuby__RevenueContractId__cText(200)Indicates the grouping of Customer Contracts in revenue recognition.
Root Order ProductrootOrderProductIdRuby__RootId__cLookup (OrderProduct)References the root line item, if the line item is in a bundle hierarchiy. 
Sort OrdersortOrderRuby__SortOrder__cIntegerThe sort order of the line item.  The sort order is used for displaying the line items in the Line Editor.
Split Parent Ruby__SplitParent__cLookup (OrderProduct)Reference the parent line item of the split line. This field is populated when a single line item is split into 2 or more split lines.
Subscription End DatesubscriptionEndDateRuby__SubscriptionEndDate__cDate

The End Date, which is defaulted to the Start Date plus the Term (in Month).


If the End Date is updated, the Term and Subscription Term are both re-calculated accordingly.

Subscription Start DatesubscriptionStartDateRuby__SubscriptionStartDate__cDateThe Start Date, which is defaulted to the Start Date on the header, but can be updated for different line items.
Subscription TermsubscriptionTermRuby__SubscriptionTerm__cDecimalThe subscription term, measured in the term dimension of the associated UOM.
SubtotalsubtotalRuby__Subtotal__cCurrencyThe subtotal, which is calculated as List Total subtracted by System Discount Amount.
Summary Line ItemsummaryLineItemIdRuby__SummaryLineItem__cLookup (OrderProduct)References the summary line item, if this line item is a ramp line, or a change line item.
System DiscountsystemDiscountRuby__SystemDiscount__cPercentThe system discount percentage, which is the percentage of System Discount Amount over List Total.
System Discount AmountsystemDiscountAmountRuby__SystemDiscountAmount__cCurrencyThe system discount amount, which results from applying all applicable of price tags.
TaxtaxRuby__Tax__cCurrencyThe tax amount, calculated from the tax code of the product, if the product is taxable.
Total AmounttotalAmountRuby__TotalAmount__cCurrencyThe total amount of the line item, which is the Total Price plus the Tax Amount.
Total PricetotalPriceRuby__TotalPrice__cCurrencyThe total price of the line item, which is equal to the Total subtracted by System Discount Amount and Discount Amount.
Sales PriceunitPriceRuby__SalesPrice__cCurrencyThe sales price of the product before the discretionary discount is applied. It is calculated as Subtotal divided by Quantity, then divided by Subscription Term for products with a recurring revenue model, otherwise it is calculated as Subtotal divided by Quantity.
Unit of MeasureuomIdRuby__Uom__cIDThe Unit of Measure of this line item.

Line Price Tag

Records the relationship between a line item (a quote line item, or an order product) and a price tag, representing which price tag(s) are applied to which line item(s), and their price impacts.


API NAMELinePriceDimension
SALESFORCE API NAMERuby__LinePriceDimension__c


The following table outlines all fields of the Line Price Tag object.  



Applied to Children Ruby__AppliedToChildren__cBooleanIndicates if the price tag referenced by this line has been applied to children add-on line items as well.   Default to False.
Created BycreatedByIdCreatedByIdLookup (UserProfile)Created by user.
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateDate TimeCreated date.
IdidIDIDThe record ID.
If Effective Ruby__Is_Effective__cBooleanIndicates if the associated price tag is effective.  
Last Modified BylastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdLookup (UserProfile)Last Modified User.
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateDate TimeLast Modified Date.
NamenameNameText (255)The name of the line price tag. Defaults to the name of the price tag. 
Object Type Ruby__ObjectType__cPicklist

Indicates the object type associated to this price tag.


Available values include: 

  • QuoteLineItem
  • OrderItem
Order Ruby__Order__cLookup(Order)References the associated order, if Object Type is equal to OrderItem.
Order ProductorderProductIdRuby__OrderItem__cBMasterDetailReferences the associated order product, if Object Type is equal to OrderItem.
Parent ID



Lookup(Line Price Tag)

The ID of the Line Price Tag where this Line Price Tag inherits from, when a discount tag is propagated to children add-on lines from a bundle line. 

This field is nullable.

Price TagpriceDimensionIdRuby__PriceDimension__cBMasterDetailReferences the associated price tag
Price Impact Ruby__PriceImpact__cCurrencyThe price impact generated by the associated price tag over the line item.
Quote Ruby__Quote__cLookup(Quote)References the associated quote, if Object Type is equal to QuoteLineItem.
Quote Line Item Ruby__QuoteLineItem__cLookup(QuoteLineItem)References the associated quote line item, if Object Type is equal to QuoteLineItem.
Serial NumberserialNumberRuby__SerialNumber__cInteger

The order of the price tag being applied.

The price-type price tag always has order 0, and other discount dimensions have order 1 - n.  


Represents a recurring product or service provisioned for a customer. A subscription of a product bundle may have children subscriptions and other assets and entitlements.


API NAMESubscription
SALESFORCE API NAMERuby__Subscription__c


The following table outlines all fields of the Subscription object.  




Auto RenewautoRenewRuby__AutoRenew__cBoolean

Indicates if the subscription will be auto-renewed.  Defaults to false.  


Please refer to Auto Renew for more details about subscription auto renewal.

Billing PeriodbillingPeriodRuby__BillingPeriod__cPickList

Also known as Billing Cycle or Billing Frequency, which determines how often the customers will be billed, for example, monthly, quarterly, annual, etc. 


Available values include: 

  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual
Billing TimingbillingTimingRuby__BillingTiming__cPickList

Determines whether customers are billed for the products or services before or after they are provided or consumed. 


Available values include: 

  • In Advance
  • In Arrears
Cancellation DatecancellationDateRuby__CancellationDate__cDateThe date when the subscription will be or was cancelled.
Created BycreatedByIdCreatedByIdLookup (UserProfile)The created by user.
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateDate TimeThe created date.
Customer IdcustomerIdRuby__Customer__cIDThe customer ID.
IdidIdIDThe record ID.
Included UnitsincludedUnitsRuby__IncludedUnits__cDecimalThe quantities that are incldued with no charge in this subscription.
Last Modified BylastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdLookup (UserProfile)The last modified user.
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateDate TimeThe last modified date.
Last Versioned Subscription IdlastVersionedSubscriptionIdRuby__LastVersionedSubscription__cLookup (Subscription)The last versioned subscription. For example, if the current subscription has version 3, the last versioned subscription is the subscription having the same original subscription ID, but has the subscription version 2.
List PricelistPriceRuby__ListPrice__cCurrencyThe list price of the product or service for this subscription.
Order OnorderOnDateRuby__OrderOnDate__cDateThe date when the subscription is ordered on.
Order Product IdorderProductIdRuby__OrderProduct__cLookup (OrderProduct)References the order product (i.e. order line item) where this subscription is provisioned from.
Original Subscription IdoriginalSubscriptionIdRuby__OriginalSubscription__cLookup (Subscription)References the original subscription. It is the current subscription, if the Subscription Version Number is 0.
Original Subscription NumberoriginalSubscriptionNumberRuby__OriginalSubscriptionNumber__cTextThe original subscription number.
Parent Subscription IdparentIdRuby__ParentId__cText (80)ID of the parent subscription
Parent Subscription ObjectparentSubscriptionObjectRuby__ParentSubscriptionObject__cPickList

The parent object of the subscription.  


Available values include: 

  • Subscription
  • Asset
  • Entitlement

Currently, the parent object of a subscription may only be a subscription. 

Price Book Entry IdpriceBookEntryIdRuby__PriceBookEntry__cIDID of the associated price book entry.
Price Book IdpriceBookIdRuby__PriceBook__cIDID of the associated price book.
Product IdproductIdRuby__Product__cLookup (Product)References the associated product.
QuantityquantityRuby__Quantity__cDecimalThe quantity of the product or services in this subscription.
Reconfigure Effective DatereconfigureEffectiveDateRuby__ReconfigureEffectiveDate__cDateIndicates the date when the subscription, which has a bundle product, is reconfigured.
Renewal TermrenewalTermRuby__RenewalTerm__cDecimalIndicates the renewal term of the subscription.
Root Subscription IdrootIdRuby__RootId__cText (80)ID of the root subscription, if the current subscription is in a bundle hierarchy.
Sales PricesalesPriceRuby__SalesPrice__cCurrencyThe Sales Price of the subscription.

Subscription Status. Available values are:

  • Draft

  • Active

  • Cancelled

  • Expired

(Note: An expired subscription refers to an older version of a subscription).

Subscription Composite IdsubscriptionCompositeIdRuby__SubscriptionCompositeId__cTax(80)

Subscription number concatenated with the subscription version, in the following format: 



Subscription End DatesubscriptionEndDateRuby__SubscriptionEndDate__cDateThe subscription end date. This value is copied from that of the Order Product.
Subscription LevelsubscriptionLevelRuby__SubscriptionLevel__cDecimal

Refers to the position or ranking of a subscription within a hierarchical bundle structure. For instance, if a subscription is categorized as a child subscription under a parent subscription, where the parent subscription is at the topmost level, the subscription level would be denoted as 2. 

Subscription NumbernameNameAutoNumber

Subscription number assigned to the Subscription.


The default auto-number format is:

Subscription Start DatesubscriptionStartDateRuby__SubscriptionStartDate__cDateThe subscription start date. This value is copied from that of the Order Product when the order is activated.
Subscription TermsubscriptionTermRuby__SubscriptionTerm__cDecimal

The Subscription Term measured by UOM. This value is copied from that of the Order Product when the order is activated.


The default value is:

  • 1, if this subscription contains a one-time product;

  • Null, if this subscription is an evergreen subscription;
  • Otherwise, 1 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Year; 12 if UOM’s Term Dimension is Month.

Subscription VersionsubscriptionVersionRuby__SubscriptionVersion__cInteger

The subscription version. The default value is 1.

TCVtcvRuby__TCV__cDecimalTotal Contractual Value of the subscription.
Tax AmounttaxAmountRuby__TaxAmount__cCurrencyThe tax amount. 
TermactualSubscriptionTermRuby__ActualSubscriptionTerm__cDecimalThe subscription term measured by Month.  Default value is 1 for a One-Time product, null for an evergreen subscription, and 12 for a recurring product. 
Today's ARRtodayARRRuby__TodayARR__cCurrencyTotal contractual Annual Recurring Revenue contributed by this subscription today, which is Calculated by summarizing the Delta ARR from all the associated activated order products, where Subscription Start Date <= Today <= Subscription End Date
Today's CMRRtodayCMRRRuby__TodayCMRR__cCurrencyTotal contractual Monthly Recurring Revenue contributed by this subscription today, which is Calculated by summarizing the Delta CMRR from all the associated activated order products, where Subscription Start Date <= Today <= Subscription End Date
Today's QuantitytodaysQuantityRuby__TodaysQuantity__cCurrencyToday's contracted product or service quantity, which is calculated by summarizing the Delta Quantity from all the associated activated order products, where Subscription Start Date <= Today <= Subscription End Date
Total ACVtotalACVRuby__TotalACV__cCurrencyThe aggregated ACV of this subscription as well as all its children assets, including subscriptions, assets and entitlements.
Total AmounttotalAmountRuby__TotalAmount__cCurrencyThe total amount of the subscription, with tax included.
Total PricetotalPriceRuby__TotalPrice__cCurrencyThe total price of the subscription.
Total TCVtotalTCVRuby__TotalTCV__cCurrencyThe aggregated TCV of this subscription as well as all its children assets, including subscriptions, assets and entitlements.
UOM IduomIdRuby__Uom__cIDID of the associated UOM.
bundledbundledRuby__Bundled__cBooleanIndicates if this subscription is a bundled subscription (i.e., with 0 sales price) of the parent bundle subscription.


Represents a physical asset fulfilled for a customer.




The following table outlines all fields of the Asset object.



Asset Composite IdassetCompositeIdRuby__AssetCompositeId__cText (50)

Asset number concatenated with the asset version.

Asset LevelassetLevelAssetLevelIntegerThe asset’s position in an asset hierarchy. If the asset has no parent or child assets, its level is 1. Assets that belong to a hierarchy have a level of 1 for the root asset, 2 for the child assets of the root asset, 3 for their children, and so forth.
Asset NumberassetNumberRuby__AssetNumber__cAutoNumberThe Asset Number, currently is populated as the ID of the asset.
Asset Provided By IdassetProvidedByIdAssetProvidedByIdIDReferences the account that provided the asset, typically a manufacturer.
Asset Serviced By IdassetServicedByIdAssetServicedByIdIDReferences the account in charge of servicing the asset
Asset VersionassetVersionRuby__AssetVersion__cDecimalThe asset version.  Default to 1.
Billing PeriodbillingPeriodRuby__BillingPeriod__cPickList

Also known as Billing Cycle or Billing Frequency, which determines how often the customers will be billed, for example, monthly, quarterly, annual, etc.  This field is copied from the corresponding order product when the order is activated.


Available values include: 

  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual
Billing TimingbillingTimingRuby__BillingTiming__cPickList

Determines whether customers are billed for the products or services before or after they are provided or consumed.  The field is copied 


Available values include: 

  • In Advance
  • In Arrears
Cancellation DatecancellationDate Date 
Contact IdcontactIdContactIdID 
Created BycreatedByIdCreatedByIdLookup (UserProfile) 
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateDate Time 
Customer IdcustomerIdAccountIdLookup (Customer) 
DescriptiondescriptionDescriptionLong Text 
External IdexternalIdExternalIdentifierText (255) 
Install DateinstallDateInstallDateDate 
Internal AssetinternalAssetIsInternalBoolean 
Is Competitor ProductisCompetitorProductIsCompetitorProductBoolean 
Last Modified BylastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdLookup (UserProfile) 
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateDate Time 
Last PricelastPrice Decimal 
Last Versioned Asset IdlastVersionedAssetId Id 
List PricelistPrice Decimal 
Lifecycle Start DatelifecycleStartDateRuby__LifecycleStartDate__cDateThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.
Lifecycle End DatelifecycleEndDateRuby__LIfecycleEndDate__cDateThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.  If it is null, the credit will not expire.
NamenameNameText (255) 
Order Product IdorderProductIdRuby__OrderProduct__cLookup (OrderProduct) 
Original Asset IdoriginalAssetIdRuby__OriginalAsset__cId 
Parent Asset IdparentIdRuby__ParentId__cText (80) 
Parent Asset ObjectparentAssetObjectRuby__ParentAssetObject__cPickList 
Price Book Entry IdpriceBookEntryIdRuby__PriceBookEntry__cText 
Price Book IdpriceBookId Id 
Product CodeproductCodeProductCodeText (255) 
Product DescriptionproductDescriptionProductDescriptionLong Text 
Product FamilyproductFamilyProductFamilyPickList 
Product IdproductIdProduct2IdText 
Purchase DatepurchaseDatePurchaseDateDate 
Reconfigure Effective DatereconfigureEffectiveDate Date 
Root Asset IdrootIdRuby__RootId__cText (80) 
SKUskuStockKeepingUnitText (180) 
Sales PricesalesPrice Decimal 
Serial NumberserialNumberSerialNumberText (80) 
Start DatestartDate Date 
Status ReasonstatusReasonStatusReasonPickList 
TCVtcv Decimal 
Tax AmounttaxAmount Decimal 
Total ACVtotalAcv Decimal 
Total AmounttotalAmount Decimal 
Total PricetotalPrice Decimal 
Total TCVtotalTcv Decimal 
Unique IdentifieruniqueIdentifierUuidText (255) 
Uom IduomIdRuby__UnitOfMeasure__cText 
Usage End DateusageEndDateUsageEndDateDate 


Represents a service entitlement provisioned for a customer.

API NAMEEntitlement
SALESFORCE API NAMERuby__Entitlement__c


The following table outlines all fields of the Entitlement object.  
Billing PeriodbillingPeriodRuby__BillingPeriod__c PickList 
Billing TimingbillingTimingRuby__BillingTiming__c PickList 
Cancellation DatecancellationDateRuby__CancellationDate__c Date 
Created BycreatedByIdCreatedByIdThe user who created the recordLookup (UserProfile) 
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateThe date when the record is createdDate Time 
Customer IdcustomerIdRuby__Customer__c Lookup (Customer) 
DeletedisDeletedIsDeleted Boolean 
End DateendDateRuby__EndDate__c Date 
Entitlement Composite IdentitlementCompositeIdRuby__EntitlementCompositeId__c Text (50) 
Entitlement LevelentitlementLevelRuby__EntitlementLevel__c Decimal 
Entitlement NamenameName Text (80) 
Entitlement NumberentitlementNumberRuby__EntitlementNumber__c Text (36) 
Entitlement VersionentitlementVersionRuby__EntitlementVersion__c Decimal 
IdidIdThe id of the recordId 
Last Modified BylastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdThe last user who updated the recordLookup (UserProfile) 
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateThe last date when the record is updatedDate Time 
Last Versioned Entitlement IdlastVersionedEntitlementIdRuby__LastVersionedEntitlement__c Id 
List PricelistPriceRuby__ListPrice__c Currency 
Lifecycle Start DatelifecycleStartDateRuby__LifecycleStartDate__cThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.Date 
Lifecycle End DatelifecycleEndDateRuby__LIfecycleEndDate__cThe Lifecycle Start Date and Lifecycle End Date define the period during which the credit is applicable for usage or invoicing.  If it is null, the credit will not expire.Date 
Net Sales PricenetSalesPriceRuby__NetSalesPrice__c Currency 
Order NumberorderNumberRuby__OrderNumber__c Text 
Order On DateorderOnDateRuby__OrderOnDate__c Date 
Order Product IdorderProductIdRuby__OrderProduct__c Lookup (OrderProduct) 
Original Entitlement IdoriginalEntitlementIdRuby__OriginalEntitlement__c Id 
Original Entitlement NumberoriginalEntitlementNumberRuby__OriginalEntitlementNumber__c Text 
Parent Entitlement ObjectparentEntitlementObjectRuby__ParentEntitlementObject__c PickList 
Parent IdparentIdRuby__ParentId__c Text (80) 
Price Book Entry IdpriceBookEntryIdRuby__PriceBookEntry__c Text 
Price Book IdpriceBookIdRuby__PriceBook__c Id 
Product IdproductIdRuby__Product__c Text 
Product Name TextproductNameRuby__ProductNameText__c Text (255) 
QuantityquantityRuby__Quantity__c Decimal 
Quantity DimensionquantityDimensionRuby__QuantityDimension__c Text 
Reconfigure Effective DatereconfigureEffectiveDateRuby__ReconfigureEffectiveDate__c Date 
Root IdrootIdRuby__RootId__c Text (80) 
Sales PricesalesPriceRuby__SalesPrice__c Currency 
Start DatestartDateRuby__StartDate__c Date 
StatusstatusRuby__Status__c PickList 
TCVtcvRuby__TCV__c Currency 
Tax AmounttaxAmountRuby__TaxAmount__c Currency 
Term DimensiontermDimensionRuby__TermDimension__c Text 
Total ACVtotalACVRuby__TotalACV__c Currency 
Total AmounttotalAmountRuby__TotalAmount__c Currency 
Total PricetotalPriceRuby__TotalPrice__c Currency 
Total TCVtotalTCVRuby__TotalTCV__c Currency 
Uom IduomIdRuby__UnitOfMeasure__c Text 

Asset Order Product

Records the relationship between a booking transaction (an order product) and an asset in the general term, which can be a physical asset, a subscription, and an entitlement.


API NAMEAssetOrderProduct
SALESFORCE API NAMERuby__AssetOrderProduct__c


The following table outlines all fields of the Asset Order Product object.  
Asset IdassetIdRuby__Asset__c Id 
Asset NumberassetNumberRuby__AssetNumber__c Text (80) 
Asset TypeassetTypeRuby__AssetType__c Text 
Asset VersionassetVersion  Decimal 
Asset Version RelationassetVersionRelation  Text 
Created BycreatedByIdCreatedByIdThe user who created the recordLookup (UserProfile) 
Created DatecreatedDateCreatedDateThe date when the record is createdDate Time 
Customer IdcustomerId  Lookup (Customer) 
Entitlement NumberserviceEntitlementNumberRuby__ServiceEntitlementNumber__c Text (80) 
Entitlement VersionentitlementVersion  Decimal 
Entitlement Version RelationentitlementVersionRelation  Text 
IdidIdThe id of the recordID 
IsFromLatestSubscriptionisFromLatestSubscription  Boolean 
Last Modified BylastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdThe last user who updated the recordLookup (UserProfile) 
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateThe last date when the record is updatedDate Time 
Namename  Text (255) 
Order ProductorderProductIdRuby__OrderProduct__c Lookup (OrderProduct) 
SubscriptionsubscriptionIdRuby__Subscription__c Lookup (Subscription) 
Subscription NumbersubscriptionNumberRuby__SubscriptionNumber__c Text (80) 
Subscription VersionsubscriptionVersionRuby__SubscriptionVersion__c Decimal 
Subscription Version RelationsubscriptionVersionRelation  Text 
Summary Line Item IdsummaryLineItemIdRuby__SummaryLineItemId__c Lookup (OrderProduct)