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Release 2303.1 - 04/27/2023

Release 2303.1

Scheduled on Wednesday, 04/27/2023

Release 2303.1 includes the following feature enhancements and bug fixes. 


Feature Enhancements

Nue Price Builder

Ability to support multi-currency


  • From this release, we will be able to support creating price book entries in multiple currencies. If the connected Salesforce Org is enabled with multi-currency, Nue will read the currency configurations from Salesforce.  Users will be able to use different currencies available in Salesforce to configure price book, and price book entries.  For more information, please contact cs@nueio


Ability to add products into a bundle with a different UOM term dimension

  • When building a bundle, if the default UOM is User/Year (e.g., the UOM Term Dimension is Year), previously we can only add “Recurring Services” revenue model products with Term Dimension as Year into the bundle.
  • So in the Product Selector of the bundle builder, we have relaxed this constraints - all products with all UOMs willl be able to add to the bundle.


Nue Revenue Manager

Ability to configure Stripe connection, add and update customer mapping between Salesforce and Stripe.


  • Users can configure Strpe integration in Nue app, and import the mapping between existing customers in Stripe (if there are any) with Salesforce accounts.  For more details please refer to this document.


Nue Platform

Ability to export and import products with credit conversions in the Export / Import API


  • When exporting or importing a product in Overage Usage or Pay As You Go revenue model, and the product has a credit conversions defined, the credit conversions will be exported and imported as well.  


Ability to export and import products with multi-attribute pricing


  • The product export/import APIs are now able to export and import products having multi-attribute pricing.


Ability to query credits and credit flows using graphQL for a specific subscription.

  • You can use graphQL to query credits and credit flows by filtering on a specific subscription.


Ability to execute an API to synchronize orders from Salesforce to Nue

  • Now you can execute a Nue API to resynchronize orders from Salesforce to Nue for further invoice processing.


Ability to execute an API to synchronize usage-type subscriptions from Salesforce to Nue

  • Now you can execute a Nue API to resynchronize orders from Salesforce to Nue for further usage processing.


Bug Fixes


Nue Lifecycle Manager

The default sort order of subscriptions is not working sometimes

  • In the Lifecycle Manager, sometimes the subscriptions were not ordered by the Ordered Date in a descending manner.  This is fixed.  


The default sort order of invoices is not working sometimes

  • In the Lifecycle Manager, sometimes the invoices were not ordered by the Invoice Date in a descending manner.  This is fixed.  


Nue Revenue Manager

When the credit pool is of Cash Type, the credits are not provisioned properly.

  • This issue is fixed.