Nue Price Builde offers a range of powerful capabilities to simplify the process of creating products, setting prices, bundling products, and implementing complex pricing strategies. With its intuitive user interface, Rev Ops users can effortlessly navigate through the platform, leveraging its user-friendly features to generate innovative and customized products and pricing structures.
One of the standout features of Nue Price Builder is its seamless integration with the Salesforce platform, enabling sales representatives to access and utilize the created products and pricing information in real time. This integration ensures that sales reps can promptly create quotes and orders, streamlining the sales process and enhancing overall efficiency.
This article outlines the object model of Nue Price Builder. All objects in Nue Price Builder have their mirrored objects in Salesforce. The products and pricing data created in Nue Price Builder are saved directly in Salesforce, if the Nue instance is connected with a Salesforce org.
Object Model Overview
The following diagrams outlines the objects and relationships of all objects in Nue Price Builder.
As illustrated in this diagram, unlike introducing a brand new set of products and pricing objects, Nue Price Builder extends the functionality of the familiar Products and Price Book/Price Book Entry objects. This approach brings a "back to the basics" experience for users who are already well-acquainted with Salesforce's standard objects. By leveraging the existing infrastructure, Nue Price Builder allows users to quickly adapt to the system and take advantage of its capabilities without a steep learning curve. This familiarity not only saves time and effort but also ensures a smooth transition, making it easier for users to navigate, create, and manage their products and pricing structures within the Salesforce ecosystem. With Nue Price Builder, users can confidently return to the fundamentals they are comfortable with while enjoying the added benefits of an intuitive and enhanced pricing solution.
Price Builder Objects
API NAME | Product |
DESCRIPTION | Defines a product or service that is manufactured or provisioned for sale. |
Auto Renew | autoRenew | Ruby__AutoRenew__c | Boolean | Indicates if the product is auto-renewed by default. |
Billing Period | billingPeriod | Ruby__BillingPeriod__c | PickList | Determines how often the product will be billed. If not selected, the billing period will default to to the Billing Period value set at the system level, or account level. |
Billing Timing | billingTiming | Ruby__BillingTiming__c | PickList |
Determines whether customers are billed for the products or services before or after they are provided or consumed.
Available values are: In Advance, In Arrears |
Bundle Template | bundleTemplate | Ruby__BundleTemplate__c | PickList |
The bundle template used for this product.
Available values are: Advanced, Basic, Dynamic Options.
Currently all bundles are built using Advanced bundle template. |
Configurable | configurable | Ruby__Configurable__c | Boolean | Determines if the product is configurable, i.e., if this product is a bundle product. |
Cost | Cost__c | Cost__c | Currency | The cost of the product. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created-by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Credit Conversion Id | creditConversionId | Ruby__CreditConversionId__c | Lookup (CreditConversion) | References the credit conversion object, which stores the conversion between a UOM Quantity Dimension (e.g., ‘1K API Calls’) and a Credit. |
Default Renewal Term | defaultRenewalTerm | Ruby__DefaultRenewalTerm__c | Decimal | The default renewal term in the term dimension of the default UOM, e.g. 12 Month, 1 Year. |
Default Subscription Term | defaultSubscriptionTerm | Ruby__DefaultSubscriptionTerm__c | Integer | The default subscription term in the term dimension of the default UOM, e.g. 12 Month, 1 Year. |
Default UOM Id | defaultUomId | Ruby__DefaultUom__c | Lookup (UOM) | References the default UOM object. |
Description | description | Description | Long Text | The descriptin of the product. |
End Date | endDate | Ruby__EndDate__c | Date | The effective end date of the product. |
Free Trial Type | freeTrialType | Ruby__FreeTrialType__c | PickList | Free Trial Type in Days, Months, or Years. |
Free Trial Unit | freeTrialUnit | Ruby__FreeTrialUnit__c | Integer | The length of the free trial. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Image Url | imageUrl | Ruby__ImageSignedUrl__c | Long Text | The URL of the product image. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified by user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Last Published By | lastPublishedById | Ruby__LastPublishedBy__c | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last published by user. |
Last Published Date | lastPublishedDate | Ruby__LastPublishedDate__c | Date | The last published date. |
Long Description | longDescription | Ruby__LongDescription__c | RichText | The long description of the product. |
Name | name | Name | Text (200) | The product name. |
Price Book Id | priceBookId | Ruby__PriceBook__c | Lookup (PriceBook) | The price book reference. |
Product Category | productCategory | Family | PickList |
The product category.
Available values include:
In Nue, the Revenue Model, UOM, and Tax Code can be defaulted from the product category of a product. |
Publish Status | publishStatus | Ruby__PublishStatus__c | PickList |
Indicates the Publish Status of the product for self-service listing of the products.
Available values include:
Record Type | recordType | Ruby__ProductRecordType__c | PickList |
The record type of the product.
Available values include:
Reference Product Id | referenceProductId | Ruby__ReferenceProduct__c | Lookup (Product) |
The reference product of a bundle. In Nue, a bundle product can be created from an existing bundle product. If a bundle product references another bundle product, it inherits all the product options of the referencing product.
For example, an "Enterprise Edition" bundle may reference a "Professional Edition" bundle so that it inherits all the product options from the "Professional Edition" bundle. |
Revenue Model | priceModel | Ruby__PriceModel__c | PickList |
The revenue model of the product.
Available values include:
The revenue model value can be defaulted from the product category selection. |
Revenue Rule External Id | revenueRuleExternalId | Ruby__RevenueRuleExternalId__c | Text (200) | The ID of the revenue rule associated with thid product. |
Show Bundled Products | showIncludedProductOptions | Ruby__ShowIncludedProductOptions__c | Boolean | Determines if the bundled product options will be displayed when creating a quote or an order. |
Sku | sku | StockKeepingUnit | Text (200) | The Stock Keeping Unit. SKUs must be unique across all products in the product catelog. |
Sold Independently | soldIndependently | Ruby__SoldIndependently__c | Boolean | Determines if the product can be sold independently. Only products that can be sold independently can be added to a quote or an order. |
Start Date | startDate | Ruby__StartDate__c | Date | The effective start date of the product. |
Status | status | Ruby__Status__c | PickList |
The status of the product.
Available values include:
Tax Code | taxCode | Ruby__TaxCode__c | Text (200) | The tax code of the product. |
Tax Mode | taxMode | Ruby__TaxMode__c | PickList |
The tax mode of the product.
Available values include:
Eligible to Include in Carves Allocation |
carvesEligible |
Ruby__CarvesEligible__c |
Boolean |
Determines if the product is eligible to include in carves allocation or not. Valid values are True / False . |
Contract Liability Segment |
contractLiabilitySegment |
Ruby__ContractLiabilitySegment__c |
Text(80) |
Accounting code of the contract liability segment. |
Contract Revenue Segment |
contractRevenueSegment |
Ruby__ContractRevenueSegment__c |
Text(80) |
Accounting code of the contract revenue segment. |
Carves Liability Segment |
carvesLiabilitySegment |
Ruby__CarvesLiabilitySegment__c |
Text(80) |
Accounting code of the carves liability segment. |
Carves Revenue Segment |
carvesRevenueSegment |
Ruby__CarvesRevenueSegment__c |
Text(80) |
Accounting code of the carves revenue segment. |
Unit of Measure
DESCRIPTION | Represents a definite magnitude of a quantity. |
Active | active | Ruby__Active__c | Boolean | Indicates if the UOM is active. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created-by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Decimal Scale | decimalScale | Ruby__DecimalScale__c | Integer | The decimal scale of the UOM. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | Text (200) | The unique name of the UOM. |
Quantity Dimension | quantityDimension | Ruby__QuantityDimension__c | Text (200) |
ndicates the default quantity part in the UOM.
Defaults to be the part parsed before ‘/’ character; otherwise, otherwise, default to the UOM name itself. |
Rounding Mode | roundingMode | Ruby__RoundingMode__c | PickList |
Specifies whether to round the UOM value up or down when the value exceeds the DecimalPlaces field value.
The default value is Up. |
Term Dimension | termDimension | Ruby__TermDimension__c | Text (200) |
Indicates the default term part in the UOM.
Defaults to the part parsed after ‘/’ character. |
Credit Conversion
API NAME | CreditConversion |
DESCRIPTION | Credit Conversion stores the conversion between a UOM Quantity Dimension (e.g., ‘1K API Calls’) and a Credit. For example, 1 Credit can be used to consume resource like 1K API Calls, 60 Computing Minutes, 100G Database Storage, etc. |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__CreditConversion__c |
Conversion Rate | conversionRate | Ruby__ConversionRate__c | Decimal | Indicates the Conversion Rate. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created-by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Credit Quantity | creditQuantity | Ruby__CreditQuantity__c | Decimal | The quantity of the credits in the conversion. |
Credit Type Id | creditTypeId | Ruby__CreditTypeExternalId__c | Id | The credit type ID in Nue. |
Decimal Scale | decimalScale | Ruby__DecimalScale__c | Integer | The decimal scale. |
Id | id | ID | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | Text | The name of the credit conversion. |
Rounding Mode | roundingMode | Ruby__RoundingMode__c | PickList |
The rounding mode.
Available values include: Up, Down. |
UOM Quantity | uomQuantity | Ruby__UomQuantity__c | Decimal | The UOM quantity in the conversion. |
UOM Quantity Dimension | uomQuantityDimension | Ruby__UomQuantityDimension__c | Text | The UOM quantity dimension. |
Product Option
Bundled | bundled | Ruby__Bundled__c | Boolean |
Indicates this product option is bundled with the parent product. If True, then the child product’s actual selling price is 0.
Note that when Bundled is checked, then Required must be checked; but when Bundled is not checked, Required may be checked to indicate a product option that is not bundled with the parent product price-wise, but must be required to be configured. |
Configured Product Id | configuredProductId | Ruby__ConfiguredProduct__c | BMasterDetail | References the configured product. (i.e.,Parent Product). |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Default Quantity | defaultQuantity | Ruby__DefaultQuantity__c | Decimal | The default quantity of the product option. |
Description | description | Ruby__Description__c | Long Text | The product option description. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Included Quantity | includedQuantity | Ruby__IncludedQuantity__c | Decimal |
Quantities that are included for this product option.
For example, product ‘Number of API Calls’ can have Included Quantity as 1000 to indicate that when this product option is configured into the parent product, 1000 API calls are automatically included. |
Independent Pricing | independentPricing | Ruby__IndependentPricing__c | Boolean |
Indicates if this product option will be independently priced by the product option quantity, instead of the total quantity of the chidlren products.
The use case for ‘Independent Pricing’ is almost always with usage. For example:
In a VROOM bundle of ‘Webinar’, the first 60 minutes for each user license is free. For additional minutes, it is 0.10 / Minute.
If a user subscribes to 100 Webinar bundles: 1. If ‘Independent Pricing = true’ for the ‘Service Usage’ product option, then every user license will have 60 minutes for free. So if I subscribe to 10 users, I’ll have 600 minutes free. 2. If ‘Independent Pricing = false’ for the ‘Service Usage’ product option, then regardless how many total minutes I subscribe, the user only has 60 minutes for free. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified by user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Maximum Quantity | maxQuantity | Ruby__MaxQuantity__c | Decimal | The maximum quantity that can be selected for this option. |
Minimum Quantity | minQuantity | Ruby__MinQuantity__c | Decimal | The mininum quantity that must be selected for this option. |
Name | name | Name | AutoNumber | The product option number. |
Option Name | optionName | Ruby__OptionName__c | Text | The name of the product option. By default it is the product name, but it can be changed by the end user. |
Option Order | optionOrder | Ruby__OptionOrder__c | Integer | The product option serial number, e.g., 10, 20, 30... , which determines the order of the product options under a product or a feature. |
Option Product Id | optionProductId | Ruby__OptionProduct__c | Lookup (Product) | References the option product (i.e., Child Product) |
Option Type | optionType | Ruby__OptionType__c | PickList |
The type of the product option.
Available values are: LInk to Bundle Quantity When a product option type is ‘LinkToBundleQuantity’, its quantity always changes with the quantity of the parent product at runtime
Related Product When a product option type is ‘Related Product’, its quantity is independent from that of the parent product at operational time. |
PriceBookEntry Id | priceBookEntryId | Ruby__PriceBookEntryId__c | Lookup (PriceBookEntry) | |
Product Feature Id | productFeatureId | Ruby__ProductFeature__c | Lookup (ProductFeature) | References a product feature, if this product option can be grouped into a product feature. |
Quantity Editable | quantityEditable | Ruby__QuantityEditable__c | Boolean | Indicates if the quantity of the product option can be editable at operational time. |
Recommended | recommended | Ruby__Recommended__c | Boolean | Indicates if this product option is by default recommended to be configured for the parent product. |
Required | required | Ruby__Required__c | Boolean | Indicates if this product option is required to be selected in the bundle. |
Product Group (a.k.a. Feature)
API NAME | Feature |
DESCRIPTION | Defines a set of product functionalities. A feature can be associated with multiple products, while a product may contain multiple features. |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__Feature__c |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created-by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Description | description | Ruby__Description__c | Long Text | The feature description. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Image Url | imageUrl | Ruby__ImageSignedUrl__c | Long Text | The feature's image URL. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified by. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | Text (255) | The feature name |
Status | status | Ruby__Status__c | PickList |
The active status of the feature. Available values include:
Configured Product Id | configuredProductId | Ruby__ConfiguredProduct__c | BMasterDetail | |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created-by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Feature Description | featureDescription | Ruby__FeatureDescription__c | Long Text | The product feature description. |
Feature Id | featureId | Ruby__Feature__c | Lookup (Feature) | References the feature (or Product Group) object. |
Feature Name | featureName | Ruby__FeatureName__c | Text | The product feature name. |
Feature Order | featureOrder | Ruby__FeatureOrder__c | Integer | The order of the product feature when displayed in a product. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup(UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Maximum Options | maxOptions | Ruby__MaxOptions__c | Integer | The minimum number of product options that must be selected for this product feature at operational time. |
Minimum Options | minOptions | Ruby__MinOptions__c | Integer | The maximum number of product options that can be selected for this product feature at operational time. |
Name | name | Name | AutoNumber | The product feature name. |
Bundle Suite
API NAME | BundleSuite |
Represents a list of active bundle products, ranging from bundles with basic product offering to bundles with more advanced product offerings.
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__BundleSuite__c |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created-by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
End Date | endDate | Ruby__EndDate__c | Date | The bundle suite’s active end date. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Last Published By | lastPublishedById | Ruby__LastPublishedBy__c | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last published by user. |
Last Published Date | lastPublishedDate | Ruby__LastPublishedDate__c | Date | The last published date. |
Name | name | Name | Text (255) | The auto-numbered unique ID of the bundle suite. |
Price Book Id | priceBookId | Ruby__PriceBook__c | Lookup (PriceBook) | |
Publish Status | publishStatus | Ruby__PublishStatus__c | PickList | |
Start Date | startDate | Ruby__StartDate__c | Date | The bundle suite’s active start date. |
Status | status | Ruby__Status__c | PickList |
The bundle suite status. Available values are:
UOM Id | uomId | Ruby__Uom__c | Lookup (UOM) |
Bundle Suite Bundle
API NAME | BundleSuiteBundle |
DESCRIPTION | Defines the relationship between a bundle suite and a bundle product. |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__BundleSuiteBundle__c |
Bundle Id | bundleId | Ruby__Bundle__c | BMasterDetail | References the bundle product included in this bundle suite. |
Bundle Suite Id | bundleSuiteId | Ruby__BundleSuite__c | BMasterDetail | References the bundle suite. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created-by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | Text | The name of the bundle in the bundle suite. |
Popular | popular | Ruby__Popular__c | Boolean | Indicates if this bundle is the most popular in the bundle suite. |
Sort Order | sortOrder | Ruby__SortOrder__c | Integer | The sort order of the bundle displayed in the bundle suite. |
Price Book
API NAME | PriceBook |
DESCRIPTION | Represents a list of sellable products and their prices. |
Active | active | IsActive | Boolean | IIndicates whether the price book is active (true) or not (false). Inactive price books are hidden in many areas in the user interface. You can change this field’s value as often as necessary. Label is Active. |
Archived | archived | Ruby__Archived__c | Boolean | Indicates whether the price book has been archived (true) or not (false). This field is read only. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Description | description | Description | Long Text | The description. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
IsSelfServiceEnabled | isSelfServiceEnabled | Ruby__IsSelfServiceEnabled__c | Boolean | Indicates if the price book is available for self-service access. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | Text (200) | The price book name. |
Pricing Attributes | priceAttributes | Ruby__PriceAttributes__c | MultiPickList | A list of pricing attributes. Nue provides up to 10 placeholders for pricing attributes to support multi-attribute pricing capability. |
Standard | standard | IsStandard | Boolean | Indicates whether the price book is the standard price book for the org (true) or not (false). Every Nue isntance has one and only one standard price book—all other price books are custom price books. |
API NAME | PriceBookEntry |
DESCRIPTION | Represents a sellable product with its price listed in a price book. |
The price book entry object is central to the Multi-attribute Pricing capability. Please reference Multi-Attribute Pricing for more information.
Active | active | IsActive | Boolean |
Indicates whether the price book entry is active (true) or not (false). Although you can’t delete price book entry records, you can set this field to false. Inactive price book entry records are hidden in many areas in the user interface. You can change this value on a price book entry record as often as necessary. |
Billing Timing | billingTiming | Ruby__BillingTiming__c | PickList | Indicates the billing timing of the price book entry. If not null, it overrides the biling timing value at the product level or system level. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 1 | pricingAttribute_1 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_1__c | Text | The place holder #1 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 10 | pricingAttribute_10 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_10__c | Text | The place holder #10 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 2 | pricingAttribute_2 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_2__c | Text | The place holder #2 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 3 | pricingAttribute_3 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_3__c | Text | The place holder #3 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 4 | pricingAttribute_4 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_4__c | Text | The place holder #4 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 5 | pricingAttribute_5 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_5__c | Text | The place holder #5 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 6 | pricingAttribute_6 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_6__c | Text | The place holder #6 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 7 | pricingAttribute_7 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_7__c | Text | The place holder #7 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 8 | pricingAttribute_8 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_8__c | Text | The place holder #8 of custom pricing attribute. |
Custom Pricing Attribute 9 | pricingAttribute_9 | Ruby__PricingAttribute_9__c | Text | The place holder #9 of custom pricing attribute. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
List Price | listPrice | UnitPrice | Currency | The unit price for the price book entry. You can specify a value only if UseStandardPrice is set to false. |
Name | name | Ruby__Name__c | AutoNumber | The auto-numbered name of the price book entry. |
Price Book Id | priceBookId | Pricebook2Id | BMasterDetail | References the price book. |
Product Id | productId | Ruby__RealProduct__c | BMasterDetail | References the product. If there exists multi-attribute (record-type) products, this field references the actual product record. |
Recommended | recommended | Ruby__Recommended__c | Boolean | Indicates if this is the recommended price of the product. |
UOM Id | uomId | Ruby__Uom__c | Lookup (UOM) | References the UOM. |
Use Standard Price | useStandardPrice | UseStandardPrice | Boolean |
Indicates whether the price book entry uses the standard price defined in the standard price book record (true) or not (false). If set to true, the List Price field is read only, and the value is the same as the list price value in the corresponding price book entry in the standard price book. |
Price Tag
API NAME | PriceDimension |
DESCRIPTION | Defines a tiered pricing or discounting scheme, which can be a quantity-based tiering, or term-based tiering. |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__PriceDimension__c |
Active | active | Ruby__Active__c | Boolean | Indicates if this price tag is active. |
Code | code | Ruby__Code__c | Text | Promotion or Coupon Code. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Description | description | Ruby__Description__c | Long Text | The price tag description. |
End Time | endTime | Ruby__EndTime__c | Date Time | The effective end time of the price tag. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | Text | The name of the price tag. |
Object Id | objectId | Ruby__ObjectId__c | Text |
The object ID that this price tag is associated with.
If the value is null, the price tag is applicable for any objects. Otherwise it is only available for the specific object. |
Object type | objectType | Ruby__ObjectType__c | Text |
The object type that this price tag is associated with.
If the value is null, the price tag is applicable for any objects. Otherwise it is only available for the specified object type.
Available values include: Product Option, Quote Line Item, Order Product, etc. |
Price Book Id | priceBookId | Ruby__PriceBook__c | Lookup (PriceBook) | References the price book. |
Price Model | priceType | Ruby__PriceType__c | PickList |
Defines the pricing model of the price tag.
Available values include:
Price Tag Type | recordType | Ruby__RecordType__c | PickList |
Defines the type of the price tag.
Available values include
Start Time | startTime | Ruby__StartTime__c | Date Time | The effective start time of the price tag. |
UOM Dimension | uomDimension | Ruby__UomDimension__c | Text |
Defines the actual Quantity or Term dimension value, for example, Each or Month. |
UOM Dimension Type | priceDimensionType | Ruby__PriceDimensionType__c | PickList |
Defines the price tag of the price tiers. Available values are:
UOM Id | uomId | Ruby__Uom__c | Lookup (UOM) | References the UOM record. |
Price Tier
API NAME | PriceTier |
DESCRIPTION | Defines a price tier or discount tier, which can be either a Flat Fee tier, or a Per Unit tier. |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__PriceTier__c |
Amount | amount | Ruby__Amount__c | Decimal | The dollar value of this price tier. |
Charge Model | chargeModel | Ruby__ChargeModel__c | PickList |
he charge model applicable to this tier. Available values are:
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Discount Percentage | discountPercentage | Ruby__DiscountPercentage__c | Percent | The discount percentage of this price tier. Only applicable to price tags. A price tier cannot have both Amount and Discount Percentage. Amount takes precedence. |
End Unit | endUnit | Ruby__EndUnit__c | Decimal | The ending unit of the tier. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | AutoNumber | The auto-numbered ID of the price tier. |
Price Tag Id | priceDimensionId | Ruby__PriceDimension__c | BMasterDetail | References to the price tag. Price tag and price tiers have master/detail relationships. |
Start Unit | startUnit | Ruby__StartUnit__c | Decimal | The starting unit of the tier. |
Tier Number | tierNumber | Ruby__TierNumber__c | Integer | The tier number used to sort the price tiers in a price tag. |
Product Price Tag
API NAME | ProductPriceDimension |
DESCRIPTION | Represents a price tag's association with a product's price book entry. |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__ProductPriceDimension__c |
Active | active | Ruby__Active__c | Boolean | Indicates if the product price tag is active. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | AutoNumber | The auto-numbered name. |
Price Book Entry Id | priceBookEntryId | Ruby__PriceBookEntryId__c | BMasterDetail | References the price book entry. |
Price Tag Id | priceDimensionId | Ruby__PriceDimension__c | BMasterDetail | References the price tag. |
Product Id | productId | Ruby__Product__c | Lookup (Product) | References the product. |
Serial Number | serialNumber | Ruby__SerialNumber__c | Integer | The serial number of the product price tag. If there are more than one price tags available for a product's price book entry, the pricing engine applies the price tags associated to a product's price book entry in the order of the serial number. |
Product Option Price Tag
API NAME | ProductOptionPriceDimension |
DESCRIPTION | Ruby__ProductOptionPriceDimension__c |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Represents a price tag's association with a product option in a bundle product. |
Active | active | Ruby__Active__c | Boolean | Indicates the active status. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | AutoNumber | The auto-numbered name. |
Price Tag Id | priceDimensionId | Ruby__PriceDimension__c | BMasterDetail | References the price tag. |
Product Option Id | productOptionId | Ruby__ProductOption__c | BMasterDetail | References the product option. |
Serial Number | serialNumber | Ruby__SerialNumber__c | Integer | The serial number of the referenced product option for the price tag. If there are more than one price tags available for a product option, the pricing engine applies the price tags associated to a product option in the order of the serial number. |
Feature Price Tag
API NAME | FeaturePriceDimension |
DESCRIPTION | Represents a price tag's association with a product group or feature. |
SALESFORCE API NAME | Ruby__FeaturePriceDimension__c |
Active | active | Ruby__Active__c | Boolean | Indicates the active status. |
Created By | createdById | CreatedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The created by user. |
Created Date | createdDate | CreatedDate | Date Time | The created date. |
Id | id | Id | ID | The record ID. |
Last Modified By | lastModifiedById | LastModifiedById | Lookup (UserProfile) | The last modified user. |
Last Modified Date | lastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate | Date Time | The last modified date. |
Name | name | Name | AutoNumber | The auto-numbered name. |
Feature ID | featureId | Ruby__Feature__c | BMasterDetail | References the product group (or feature). |
Price Tag ID | priceDimensionId | Ruby__PriceDimension__c | BMasterDetail | References the price tag. |
Serial Number | serialNumber | Ruby__SerialNumber__c | Integer | The serial number of the referenced feature for the price tag. If there are more than one price tags available for a feature, the pricing engine applies the price tags associated to a product group (or feature) in the order of the serial number. |