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Nue on Salesforce

Nue on Salesforce Setup and Configuration Guide

This setup guide walks you through a process of setting up Nue on Salesforce that connects to a Nue instance.  In this process, you will: 

  • Install and configure Nue for Salesforce
  • Connect Nue tenant with Nue for Salesforce

This process will take approximately 30-60 minutes to complete based on the experience level with Nue platform or Salesforce platform.  Let's get started!



Install and Configure Nue on Salesforce

System Requirements

The Salesforce Org must have at least Salesforce Sales Cloud Professional Edition with API Access and a minimum of 5MB of data storage. However, we highly recommend using Salesforce Enterprise Edition, as the Professional Edition has certain limitations that may impact the full functionality of Nue.

Enable Quote and Order Feature

Nue on Salesforce requires quote and order features to be enabled in the Salesforce org.  Please follow the steps below to enable quote and order features ot ensure a successful installation of the Nue on Salesforce managed package.

Enable Quote Feature

Login to Salesforce, navigate to Setup > search for Quote Settings, and click ‘Enable’. 

Enable Order Feature

Navigate to Setup > search for Order Settings, and check the following checkboxes: 

  • Enable Orders
  • Enable Negative Quantity
  • Enable Zero Quantity
  • Enable Order Events


Install Nue on Salesforce Managed Package

Please obtain the latest Installation URL and password for the Nue Salesforce managed package from your Service Consultant. If any issues occur during installation and it fails, a notification will be sent to the Salesforce admin's email. For further assistance, reach out to your Service Consultant.


Install for Admin Users Only

During the installation process, Salesforce provides an option to install for Admin Users Only or for All Users. We strongly recommend installing the package for Admin Users Only. After the package is installed, admin users with the System Administration profile can grant access to Nue for other user profiles by assigning permission set groups. Please refer to this Salesforce Guide to learn more about the differences between Install for Admin Users Only, Install for All Users, and Install for Specific Profiles.

Configure Nue on Salesforce

After Nue on Salesforce package is successfully installed, you need to configure the org, including the following configurations: 

  • Nue Platform Named Credentials
  • Standard Picklist Values
  • Picklist Value Set
  • Nue Revenue Builder Connected App
  • Permission Sets
  • Page Layouts

Nue Platform Named Credentials

Now that we have the user credentials created for Nue Platform, it is important to configure Nue Platform named credentials in Salesforce to enable Salesforce and Nue integration.


It is recommended to use the master API Key to authenticate into Nue.  Please follow this article to configure and use API Key in Salesforce.

Standard Picklist Values

Salesforce doesn’t support packaging standard picklist field values, for the standard picklist fields Product Family(on Product object) and Status(on Order object), we need to create Nue picklist values manually after installing the package. 

Product Family

  • Login to Salesforce, and navigate to Object Manager → Search for ‘Product’
  • Click ‘Product’ object name to navigate to the detail page of Product object
  • Click ‘Fields and Relationships’ on the left menu bar, all the fields of Product object will be listed
  • Search for ‘Product Family’, and click the field name
  • On the ‘Product Family’ field detail page, create the following picklist values and deactivate the default ‘None’ picklist value

Note: You can also add custom values.  

Picklist ValueAPI Name
Customer SupportCustomerSupport
Professional ServicesProfessionalServices
Recurring ServicesRecurringServices
Physical GoodsPhysicalGoods


If there is an error while deactivating the default ‘None’ picklist, go to:

  • Setup and search for ‘Product’.
  • Go to ‘Record Type’ in the left panel.
  • Open Each ‘Record Type’ to search for ‘Product Family’ and click on ‘Edit’.
  • Ensure ‘None’ is moved to the list of ‘Available Values’ and there is at least one value in ‘Selected Values’. Click on save.
  • Once all the record types are updated, go back to ‘Fields and Relationships’ > Product Family and disable ‘None’
  • Enable all the ‘Record Type Name’.

The Product Family picklist values will be synchronized to Nue as Product Category options.


Repeat the above steps and add a picklist value Canceled for the Status field on the Order object. 


Nue Revenue Builder Connected App

You need to install and create Salesforce Connected apps in order to use JWT authentication.

Install Connected App

This connected app is used to grant access when logging in Nue application through Salesforce credentials.

Login through SF credentials.jpg

  1. Install the connected app using the Installation URL below: 
    For Sandbox
    For Production
  2. After installing the connected app, Click Settings → App Manager, and click Manage to open Nue Revenue Builder app. Then click on ‘Edit Policies’, change the policies of the connected app manually to: Admin approved users are pre-authorized. Click Save.

Create Connected App

Next, let's set up the connection between Nue and Salesforce:

  • Login to as a System Administrator.
  • Navigate to Settings → Salesforce Integration
  • Under Generate OAuth Digital Signature, click Generate to generate key pairs.
  • You should be able to see two files downloaded:
    • salesforce.crt
    • salesforce.key

Generate OAuth Digital Signature.jpg


Now, create a new connected app, which will be used for the connection between Nue application and Salesforce:


  1. In Salesforce → App Manager, click New Connected App
  2. Set the Connected App Name, API Name, and Contact Email
  3. Check Enable OAuth Settings, and set the callback URL to ''
  4. Check Use digital signatures, and upload the salesforce.crt file downloaded in the previous step
  5. In the Selected OAuth Scopes section, add the below permissions:
    • Manage user data via APIs (API)
    • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  6. Click Save
  7. You should see the below message, and then click Continue
    • "Changes can take up to 10 minutes to take effect. Deleting a parent org also deletes all connected apps with OAuth settings enabled.
  8. You should be redirected to the detail page of the connected app now. Click the Manage button and then click ‘Edit Policies’:
    • Change the policies of the connected app manually to: Admin approved users are pre-authorized. Click Save.
  9. Now go back to the detail page of the newly created connected app and click the Manage Consumer Details button. After entering the verification code, you should be able to see the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
  10. Copy the Consumer Key

Create Connected App.jpg


Now, let's go back to the Nue application and complete connection setup between Nue and Salesforce:

  • Login to as a System Administrator.
  • Navigate to Settings → Salesforce Integration
  • Under Connect a Salesforce Org with Nue section, paste the Consumer Key copied in the previous step
  • Click Upload Salesforce.key button to upload the salesforce.key file generated in the previous step
  • If you are connecting to a Salesforce sandbox org, please check Salesforce Sandbox option
  • Click Update Connection button, and you should see the below message:
    • 'Your connection has been updated. Please wait up to 10 minutes for your connection to be updated.'

Update Connection.jpg


Possible Reasons for Connection Failures

API Keys

The API Key may have been expired or not configured properly.  To solve this issue, navigate to Nue App → Settings → API Keys, and click the Rotate icon to rotate the API Key used for Salesforce Integration.  Then follow this article to reconfigure and use API Key in Salesforce. 


Connected Apps' OAuth Configuration
Connected Apps OAuth may be blocked.  Please follow the steps below to unblock Nue's Connected App's OAuth Usage in Salesforce:
  1. Go to Setup in Salesforce.
  2. Search for and select Connected Apps OAuth Usage.
  3. Find ‘Nue Revenue Builder’ in the list of connected apps.
  4. If it’s blocked, click Unblock next to the app.
  5. Confirm the action if prompted.

This will restore the app’s ability to authenticate via OAuth. If the app remains blocked, further investigation of OAuth policies or permissions might be required.


It takes up to 10 minutes for Salesforce to activate the connection.  So we will proceed to other configurations, and come back to complete the Salesforce connection setup later.

Permission Sets

Nue on Salesforce provides some out-of-the-box Permission Sets for different user roles (For more details please refer to this article).  These permission sets contain the necessary permissions required by different roles to manage the customer lifecycle at different stages.  However, they don't come with order object permissions due to Salesforce restrictions.  Moreover, since these are packaged permission sets, they cannot be updated.  So we’ll need to create a new permission set or clone from the 'Nue Sales Rep' permission set.

Create Custom Permission Set 

  • Navigate to Setup > Permission Sets
  • Click 'New' to create a new permission set
  • Or search for ‘Nue Sales Rep’ and click ‘Clone’ next to the permission set name
  • Set the name to ‘Nue Required Permissions’
  • Set the API Name to NueRequiredPermissions

Add Account Permissions

Sometimes, the field-level permission for Account Number field of Account object is not available in the 'Nue System Administration' and 'Nue Sales Rep' permission sets.  So we recommend admin users add this field-level permission to the 'Nue Required Permissions' permission set to avoid any unnecessary issues.


Under Permission Sets, open the newly created ‘Nue Required Permissions’, and click ‘Object Settings’.  Search and click to open ‘Accounts’.  Click ‘Edit’, and find Account Number in the Field Permissions section.  Check the checkbox for "Read Access" at least, or "Edit Access" if needed. 


Add Order Permissions

Under Permission Sets, open the newly created ‘Nue Required Permissions’, and click ‘Object Settings’.  Search and click to open ‘Orders’.  Click ‘Edit’, and check all the boxes according to the screenshot below. Save the changes.



Add Product Options Permissions

Under Permission Sets, open the newly created ‘Nue Required Permissions’, and click ‘Object Settings’.  Search and click to open ‘Product Options’.  Click ‘Edit’, and check Read/Edit Access to ‘Price Book Entry ID’. 

Assign Connected App

Navigate back to open ‘Nue Required Permissions’ permission and click ‘Assigned Connected Apps’.

  • Click ‘Edit’, and add ‘Nue Revenue Builder’ and the connected app you created into the assigned connected apps.
  • Verify that it is added as an assigned connected app.

Permission Set Groups

Nue on Salesforce also provides some out-of-the-box Permission Set Groups for different user roles (For more details please refer to this article), we recommend customers use these permission set groups instead of assigning permission sets to users directly. They can add additional permission sets to these permission set groups if necessary. Before that, we need to add the custom permission set ‘Nue Required Permissions’ created above to all the pre-built permission set groups.


Add Permission Set to Permission Set Groups

  • Navigate to Setup > Permission Set Groups
  • Search for the pre-built permission set groups listed in the screenshot below
  • Open the detail page for each group
  • Click 'Permission Sets in Group'
  • Click 'Add Permission Set' button and select ‘Nue Required Permissions’
  • Click 'Save' button to add the custom permission set to the group
  • Repeat the above steps to add the custom permission set ‘Nue Required Permissions’ to all permission set groups

Permission Set Groups.jpg


Assign Users with Permission Sets Groups

Open the detail page for each permission set group, and click ‘Manage Assignments’.  Assign all necessary users with the corresponding roles to each permission set group.


Remove Permissions from Permission Sets Groups

If necessary, you may want to remove certain permissions from specific user roles. To do this, you can create a permission set with those permissions and then add it to the muted permission sets in a permission set group. You can find this option by clicking 'Muting Permission Set in Group' on the detail page of the permission set group.


Enabling Lifecycle Dashboards in Nue on Salesforce

Salesforce admins can enable Lifecycle Dashboards as individual tabs in Nue on Salesforce after they are configured in the Nue app. Please note that enabling a particular lifecycle dashboard for a user grants them access to all data visualized in that dashboard. Ensure you enable access to these dashboards according to your security and permissioning requirements. Please refer to this article for more details about enabling Lifecycle Dashboads.  

Configure Page Layouts

In this section, we need to configure Nue specific page layouts and assign them to the corresponding users, including page layouts for the following objects: 

  • Account
  • Opportunity
  • Quote
  • Order
  • Invoice

Navigate to Setup > Object Manager, and search for the object that you want to configure the page layout for.

Account Page Layout

To configure the Account page layout, 

  • Search and open object ‘Account’
  • Click ‘Page Layouts’


There are 2 ways to configure page layouts.  

1. If this sandbox is not already customized for other applications, then you can simply assign the Nue out-of-the-box page layout ‘Nue Account Layout’ to the system admin user(s): 

  • Click ‘Page Layout Assignment’
  • Click Edit
  • Select the Page Layout for all user profiles you want to assign, typically, ‘System Administrator’, and select ‘Nue Account Layout’ in the dropdown Page Layout to Use, Save. 

2. If this sandbox is also installed with other apps, or is already customized for other applications, then you should configure the page layout assigned to the selected user profile

  • Click ‘Page Layout Assignment’
  • Click on the page layout next to the profile (e.g., System Administrator) to open the page layout editor
  • Select ‘Mobile and Lightning Actions’, and search ‘Manage Customer Lifecycle’.  Drag the button into the ‘Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions’ section below.  This is to add the Manage Customer Lifecycle Nue button into the page layout.

Opportunity Page Layout

To configure the Opportunity page layout, 

  • Search and open object ‘Opportunity’
  • Click ‘Page Layouts’
  • Select ‘Mobile and Lightning Actions’, and search ‘New Quote’, ‘New Order’.  Drag the button into the ‘Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions’ section below.  This is to add these 2 Nue buttons into the page layout.


  • Select ‘Related List’ and search ‘Quotes’, ‘Orders’.  Drag both of them to the Related List section.


  • Click on ‘Wrench’ icon of Quotes related list, and configure the following fields to the ‘Selected Fields’ column: 
    • Quote Number
    • Quote Name
    • Primary Quote
    • Expiration Date
    • Discount %
    • Total Amount
  • Click ‘OK’


  • Click Wrench icon in the Orders related list to configure the layout of this list
  • Now add the following fields into the ‘Selected Fields’ column: 
    • Order Number
    • Status
    • Quote Name
    • Start Date
    • Total Amount
  • Click OK
  • Save the layout

Quote Page Layout

To configure the Quote page layout, 

  • Search and open object ‘Quote’
  • Click ‘Page Layouts’
  • Click ‘Page Layout Assignment’
  • Click ‘Edit Assignment’
  • Highlight the Page Layout associated with the user profile, and select the Nue Page Layout with the version Nue Quote Layout v2406
  • Save

Quote Compact Layout

To configure the Quote compact layout, 

  • Search and open object Quote
  • Click ‘Compact Layouts’
  • Click ‘Compact Layout Assignments’
  • Click ‘Edit Assignment’
  • Assign the Primary Contact Layout to be: Nue Quote Compact Layout
  • Click ‘Save’.

Order Page Layout

To configure the Opportunity page layout: 

  • Search and open object Order
  • Click ‘Page Layouts’
  • Click ‘Page Layout Assignment’
  • Click ‘Edit Assignment’
  • Highlight the Page Layout associated with the user profile, and select the Nue Page Layout with the latest version, e.g. ‘Nue Order Layout v2111.6’
  • Save

Order Compact Layout

To configure the Order compact layout: 

  • Search and open object Order
  • Click ‘Compact Layouts’
  • Click ‘Compact Layout Assignments’
  • Click ‘Edit Assignment’
  • Assign the Primary Contact Layout to be: Nue Compact Layout
  • Click ‘Save’.

Invoice Page Layout

To configure the Invoice Page Layout:

  • Search and open object Invoice
  • Click ‘Page Layouts’
  • Click ‘Page Layout Assignment’
  • Click ‘Edit Assignment’
  • Highlight the Page Layout associated with the user profile, and select the Nue Page Layout with the latest version, e.g. ‘Invoice Layout v2211.1
  • Save

Refresh Layout

"Nue Quote Layout v2406" is Nue's recommended quote layout, and "Nue Order Layout v2111.6" is Nue's recommended order layout. If you want to use custom layouts, and assign different layouts for different user profiles, you can follow the steps below: 

  • Under the "Page Layouts" section, click on Nue's recommended page layout, e.g., Nue Quote Layout v2406
  • On the page layout detail page, click on the "Clone" button.
  • Enter a new name for the cloned layout in the "Layout Name" field.
  • Optionally, adjust any settings or configurations as needed.
  • Click "Save" to create the cloned page layout.
  • Assign the cloned layout to relevant profiles or record types, if necessary, by clicking on the "Page Layout Assignment" button.
  • Repeat above for Order as well. 
  • Login to Nue App, and click Settings
  • Search for "Layout Settings" to navigate to the Quotes and Orders settings page.  
  • In the Layout Settings section, click on 'Refresh'.  

Now both the Create Quote and Create Order pages will dynamically adopt the assigned page layout of the logged-in user.

Configure Flows

We use the following flow to update the opportunity pricing-related fields when creating or updating a primary quote, this flow needs to be activated for most of the customers:

  • Navigate to Setup > Process Automation > Flows, and search for ‘Update Opportunity Pricing Fields’
  • Click ‘View Details and Versions’ from the action menu
  • Then activate the flow from the detail page. 

Connect Nue Instance with Nue on Salesforce

Login to Nue, and navigate to System Settings > Salesforce Integration.  


Click on “New User Connection”. Type in the Salesforce username for the Administrator in the field below. Click ‘Create Connection’.

Now you may need to wait for 5-10 minutes.  Get some coffee! 


Last, click ‘Test’ to test the connection.  If the test is successful, click ‘Activate’ to activate the connection.

System Configurations

The following system configurations are preferred for Nue on Salesforce to function properly in Salesforce for now.  

Lightning Web Security

If you encounter performance degradation on Nue lightning pages intermittently, you may need to check that the Lightning Web Security setting is disabled. 


Navigate to Session Settings → Lightning Web Security → Disable this feature. 

Adopt Updated CSV Directives

Customers might experience issues where their bundle images (hosted in Amazon S3) are not loading properly because a recent Salesforce security update is causing a conflict with our current image storage method. 


Navigate to Session Settings → Content Security Policy Directive Rendering, and disable "Adopt Updated CSV Directives".  



Congratulations! Now you have successfully set up Nue on Salesforce, and connect your Nue instance with Nue on Salesforce.